Property:In region

From Pirate Party Belgium
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This property is of type text and is used in Template:CrewSidebar. It indicates in which region a crew is located, and can have the following values:

  • Brussels
  • Vlaanderen
  • Wallonie
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Vlaanderen  +
Wallonie  +
Wallonie  +
Brussels  +
Wallonie  +
Vlaanderen  +
Wallonie  +
Vlaanderen  +
Vlaanderen  +
Vlaanderen  +
Wallonie  +
Wallonie  +
Brussels  +
Brussels  +
Vlaanderen  +
Vlaanderen  +
Vlaanderen  +
Vlaanderen  +
Wallonie  +

Showing 1 related entity.
