Uploads by Ilja

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:01, 18 December 2016 Crew West-Vlaanderen Verslag pirate-beer 9 juli 2016.odt (file) 13 KB   1
17:06, 18 December 2016 Crew West-Vlaanderen Verslag pirate-beer 26 augustus 2016.odt (file) 17 KB   1
17:10, 18 December 2016 Crew West-Vlaanderen Verslag pirate-beer 16 september 2016.odt (file) 23 KB   1
17:12, 18 December 2016 Crew West-Vlaanderen Verslag pirate-beer 21 oktober 2016.odt (file) 54 KB   1
11:22, 13 February 2017 Meeting ground rules.odt (file) 25 KB An example of guidelines for meetings. These do not represent how pirates would like to meet, but this can be used as a template to create our own guidelines. 1
11:25, 13 February 2017 20170212 MindMap.jpg (file) 1.7 MB A picture of the mindmap that was made in function of the creation of guidelines for meetings. 1
12:41, 18 February 2017 20170212 MindMap en.jpg (file) 265 KB The English translation of the mindmap made in the democracy-meeting on 12/02/2017 1
19:38, 6 March 2017 20170305 MindMap.jpg (file) 1.75 MB Based on '20170212_MindMap.jpg'. We divided the bubbles into 3 major groups. 1
19:44, 6 March 2017 20170212 MindMap en.odg (file) 17 KB The .odg file of '20170212_MindMap_en.jpg'. You can open this in Libre Office Draw. 1
19:37, 20 May 2017 ReachingConsentment flowchart.odg (file) 14 KB A tool from sociocracy discussed in the internal democracy squad. 1
19:38, 20 May 2017 ReachingConsentment flowchart.jpg (file) 45 KB A tool from sociocracy discussed in the internal democracy squad. 1
20:34, 12 July 2017 CreatePirateBeerEventsScreenshot.png (file) 32 KB   1
22:11, 15 July 2017 ExamplePirateBeerEventsScreenshot.png (file) 9 KB   1
22:26, 15 July 2017 ExampleMeetingEventsScreenshot.png (file) 53 KB   1
22:44, 15 July 2017 CreateMeetingEventsScreenshot.png (file) 115 KB   2
23:16, 15 July 2017 CreateExernalEventsScreenshot.png (file) 36 KB   1
23:17, 15 July 2017 ExampleExernalEventsScreenshot.png (file) 95 KB   1
10:48, 28 August 2017 The Open Organization Maturity Questionnaire.odt (file) 26 KB Based on The Open Organization Maturity Model[1]. A rewriting so that we can easily assess the openness of the pirate party and/or it's 'subgroups' by use of this 'questionnaire'. [1] https://github.com/PiratePartyBE/open-org-definition/blob/master/op... 1
20:12, 26 June 2018 Neutrinet-logo.png (file) 38 KB   1
08:39, 2 December 2018 Brugsalternatiefforum Wat met mijn Privacy.jpeg (file) 43 KB   1
09:27, 14 April 2019 Westkust logo.jpg (file) 62 KB Loge voor PPWestkust 1
15:17, 26 January 2020 Decision-mindmap.jpeg (file) 1.8 MB The mindmap of 'values' that we want decisions to have. From the decision making workgroup. 1
15:21, 26 January 2020 Decision-mindmap-digital.png (file) 188 KB Digitalised version of https://wiki.pirateparty.be/File:Decision-mindmap.jpeg using https://framindmap.org/mindmaps/index.html# 1
10:59, 31 May 2020 Flowchart for providing tools.jpg (file) 92 KB Make not-found more friendly 4
11:00, 31 May 2020 Flowchart for providing tools.odg (file) 18 KB Make not-found more friendly 2