Pirate Lab/Meeting/31 03 2018

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Pirate Lab March 2018 Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Workgroup Pirate Lab
Date Sat 31 March 2018
Time 2:00pm
Venue D'autres mondes
Rue Notre Dame 13
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Pirate Lab March 2018

About this meeting

Pirate Labs can be seen as incubators for pirate projects. This is the perfect place for people to propose their ideas and to launch new projects.

If you have any ideas of projects, or want to help other projects, please do come!

We will use the meeting guidelines proposed by the internal democracy group. Please have a look at them before coming to the lab :)

Languages: English, français, nederlands

To-do list

  1. Confirm venue
  2. Create facebook event (then destroy facebook) Facebook event


Lab starts at 2 pm. For those who want to lunch together before the lab, they can coordinate on the following pad:


Suggestions for the agenda happen on this pad. We strongly advise you to read the pad before coming to this lab!


7 people were present at this lab. We decided to follow the meeting guidelines. After a short roundtable, we decided to split into the following subgroups:

  • Pirate Kittens
  • Article by Pirates de Liège
  • BBQ + mini-GA
  • Website

Next lab will be on 28th April.

Pirate Kittens

Context : https://www.loomio.org/d/CBXg8u56/pirate-kittens-it-find-and-host-libre-tools-that-pirates-need

We are ready to send the mail (see https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/pirate_kittens). We will send it also on the facebook group (Pirates Belgian United)

We decide to send the mail on 1st april via it [at] pirateparty (dot) be. We need to ask for the password of the mailbox.

Article by Pirates de Liège

We reviewed the article. It is published there: https://fr.pirateparty.be/vert-ardent-un-noble-projet-a-la-derive/

BBQ + mini-GA

We decide to organise a BBQ + mini-GA on 19th May, from 5pm. We still need to confirm the venue. BBQ fee will be 10 €. We need to ask the FinanceSquad (Patrick) if paying the venue is ok.

Goals of the GA:

  • presentation for the new website,
  • decide the election budget

Invitation: we send the newsletter six weeks before the event -> on 7th - 8th April.

TODO: Create the wiki page for the event + rough agenda of the day


We decided to split again the link Agenda / Wiki. Now, "Agenda" links to all events (pirate + external), and "Wiki" is in the dropdown