ITSquad/Meeting/13 08 2017

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IT Squad Meeting Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Workgroup ITSquad
Date Sun 13 August 2017
Time 12:00pm
Venue tierce's place
30 rue Achille Bauduin
1300 Limal
Attendees Tierce
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Train : station Limal (from Ottignies or Leuven)

Car : E411 near Wavre

Starting after noon (12:00), and as long as we want.



Things we can discuss/work on:

  • Crew BW page to refactor
  • Improve the time needed for sending our newsletter. It takes 2 days currently...
  • Returned mail after sending a newsletter
  • What could we do with the official pirate party's account on Mastodon (@ppbe) ?
    • Currently used for automatically posting WB articles
  • Same question with the offical pirate party's account on Diaspora ( ?
  • Check this cookbook to see if the SSL configuration is correct (for Mastodon server)
    • HgO improved the SSL grade, but this could have some impact on old browsers
  • Prepare the next wiki workshop (logistic and draft agenda maybe)
  • Upgrade the wiki to 1.29
  • Mastodon : implement automatic backups



Improve the time needed for sending our newsletter

We could use Mailgun account, the one we use for Mastodon.

Returned mail after sending a newsletter

After sending a newsletter, we get a lot of "returned mail". Do we need to remove them from the mailing lists? Examples:

    • 550 5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: User Unknown
    • 550 5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: RECIPIENT_REFUSED
    • 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

For User Unknown, mailbox unavailable and Recipient_Refused, we can remove them, even if Recipient_Refused is new to me (tierce).

Prepare the next wiki workshop

See also this discussion.

For the location,

  • Ilja doesn't care,
  • Renaud would prefer Brussels or Gembloux, but this doesn't matter much
  • HgO would choose Brussels or Gembloux, with a preference for the latter since there is more space, it's more quite (we can book the place), and we did wiki workshops before

So far, we decided in Crew BW meeting that we would do the workshop in Gembloux or Leuven

According to JF, there is no quite room in Leuven.

Decision: We will book D'autres mondes in Gembloux.

Mastodon : implement automatic backups

In two steps: (TODO: put this on

  1. First, we save the mastodon directory (contains uploads, user's stream, etc.)
    • tar cvf /home/mastodon/backup/mastodon.tar /home/mastodon/mastodon/
  2. Then, we backup the db:
    • docker exec -t mastodon_db_1 pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > /home/mastodon/backup/db/dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql

How to restore the db ?

  • tar xvf backup/mastodon.tar
  • cat ../dump_xx-xx-xxxx_xx_xx_xx.sql | docker exec -i mastodon_db_1 psql -U postgres

How to test the db backup ?

  1. docker-compose stop
  2. docker container start mastodon_db_1
  3. docker exec -t mastodon_db_1 dropdb postgres -U postgres # remove the db !!!!!!!
  4. docker exec -t mastodon_db_1 createdb postgres -U postgres # create a fresh and new db

To set it up, we can use the storage of the test server. tierce will create a backup user to sshf to its home on the test server.

Infomaniak new console updated on 10/8/2017

This is still in the name of Jurgen with email of the Coreteam.

Issue on the ITSquad's TiddlyWiki

The TiddlyWiki on does not seem to save anymore.

Last update is on 25th July.