Pirate Lab

From Pirate Party Belgium
Revision as of 23:38, 18 July 2015 by Rutabaga (talk | contribs) (Add Patrick and web registery)
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Welcome to the Pirate Lab

Pirate lab context.png

Exploring new ways of reaching decisions together, getting the work done.

Labs Meetings
Start date ?
Contact GA Squad
Fred M.
Vincent L.
David K.
Valérie D.
Damiens R.
Status ?


We are pirates exploring new ways of reaching decisions together. General goal of a Lab:

  • Explore democracy.
  • Meet other pirates
  • Work in groups



 *  Resources and documentation page
 * Web registry

Pirate Lab Events

The current project is to organize one Pirate Lab every month from April 2015 on.




  • Lab to write a Pirate Manifesto
    • Organisation in 2 days:
      • (1) what would be the ideal Pirate Society, in 2025/30/50...?
      • (2) writing the pirate manifesto (for instance around the word PIRATE).
  • Workshop to improve decision making in GAs
    • Name suggestion: SummerLab 2014


Also see pages of specific events.