Property:Has date

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This property is of type date and is used in Template:MeetingSidebar. It indicates the date of the meeting.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
13:00:00, 25 April 2015  +
14:00:00, 25 April 2020  +
13:00:00, 25 June 2016  +
14:00:00, 25 November 2017  +
14:00:00, 26 January 2019  +
14:00:00, 26 May 2018  +
13:00:00, 26 August 2017  +
13:00:00, 26 September 2015  +
14:00:00, 26 October 2019  +
14:00:00, 27 January 2018  +
13:00:00, 27 February 2016  +
14:00:00, 27 April 2019  +
19:00:00, 27 May 2014  +
13:00:00, 27 May 2017  +
13:00:00, 27 June 2015  +
14:00:00, 27 June 2020  +
14:00:00, 27 July 2019  +
13:30:00, 27 August 2016  +
14:00:00, 27 October 2018  +
13:00:00, 28 January 2017  +