Property:Has attendee

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This property is of type text and is used in Template:MeetingSidebar. It indicates one of the attendee who where at a meeting.

Showing 16 pages using this property.
Renaud  +, Jérôme  +, Chris  +,
Jérôme  +, Renaud  +, Paul T.  +,
Stéphane  +, Karine  +, Lionel  +, ,
Renaud VE  +, Coraline  +, Aurélien  +, ,
Renaud  +, Chris  +, Hani  +
Sandrine D  +, Renaud VE  +, Carnops  +,
Renaud  +, Paul T.  +, Hani  +, ,
Renaud VE  +, Cédric  +, Hani  +, ,
Réginald  +, Coraline  +, Renaud VE  +, ,
Renaud  +, Jérôme  +, Coraline  +,
Manu  +, HgO  +, Damiens  +, ,
[[User:HgO|Hadrien]]  +, [[User:Tierce|tierce]]  +, Jean-François  +,
Vincent  +, Rutabaga  +, Manu  +,
Vincent  +, Manu  +, Scapmouche  +,
[[User:HgO|Hadrien]]  +
[[User:HgO|Hadrien]]  +