Property:Has attendee

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This property is of type text and is used in Template:MeetingSidebar. It indicates one of the attendee who where at a meeting.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Adrienne  +, Nicolas  +, Michel  +, ,
David  +, Michel  +, Aurore  +, ,
David  +, Michel  +, Benjamin  +, ,
Thomas  +, David  +, Michel  +, ,
David  +, Michel  +, Sandra  +, ,
Michel  +, David  +, Aurore  +, ,
David  +, Michel  +, Sandra  +, ,
Michel  +, Benjamin  +, David  +, ,
Thomas  +, Fouad  +, David  +, ,
Aurore  +, David  +, Michel  +
David  +, Grégory  +, Thomas  +, ,
Jonas Degrave  +, Jonas Kerbusch  +, Jan Claus  +
Mehdy  +, Nicolas  +, Pierrick  +, ,
Manu B.  +, David K.  +
Dimitri  +, Toon  +, David  +,
Dimitri  +, Toon  +, David  +
Dimitri  +, David  +
Manu B.  +, David K.  +, David L.  +
Manu B.  +, David K.  +, Cédric P.  +
Dimitri  +, David  +