Pirate Lab/Meeting/26 08 2017

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Pirate Lab August 2017 Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Workgroup Pirate Lab
Date Sat 26 August 2017
Time 1:00pm
Venue D'autres mondes
Rue Notre Dame 13
5030 Gembloux
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We suggest to use the Internal Democracy Guidelines proposed by the internal democracy group.

Please do take note that there is a discussion ongoing about changing the format of the Labs (longer but less often). Join the discussion

To-do list

  • Confirm venue
  • Publish on FB

Discussion pad

Lab starts at 1 pm. Please come on time!

Suggestions about the agenda happen on this pad. We strongly advise you to read the pad before coming to this lab!

Direct link: https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/Piratelab2017-August


If empty, feel free to edit or use the pad here-over.


Subgroups have been created.

Open Organisation Maturity Model

  • New project starting up: follow it on loomio and wiki: a tool for a group to evaluate its ways of working in terms of openness, transparency, ...
  • no time constraint (yet... or let's say for the elections).
  • Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!!!!

Digging / Talking about our «core values»

  • importance of meeting, in real life, and dialogue
  • freedom of thought (but we cannot think alone! supposes dialogue - but it is different from freedom of speech), trust, collaboration, global interest
  • no consensus on freedom of speech (should it be total or not? disagreement between the present pirates)
  • to be further discussed between pirates --> we need to discuss our values

Citizen lists / Ministry of democracy

1) Ministry of democracy - update on what is going on

Workgroup, that is larger than just the pirate party, and means to get more democracy 3 steps of work horizon : a. make an inventory of democracy tools in Be (focus on Wallonia), not only institutional ones (e.g. referendum) but also private ones (e.g. G1000) b. make proposals to improve these tools c. integrate this into a political programme (e.g. the one of the pirate party)

2) Citizen list in Liège - update on how it's going on

Ecolo at the initiative of a wider list, including pirates. But the ways of working or not enough transparent (information retention for instance ; not clear for which reasons) yet and it takes a lot of energy to improve them. Unbalance between Ecolo and the others. The internal organisation is being defined. It seems that some mistakes are similar to what the pirate party made before...

Also mentioned situation of citizen list in OLLN : contacted by someone to join their list... wondering what to do.

--> pirates should share their experience

Pirate Lab organization

There is a demand from some pirates to have thematic labs (cf. a survey of Renaud on facebook, asking why people are not joining labs). We will experiment it for next lab (30/09 Mechelen). An informal poll will be opened on Facebook to gather ideas of themes (to do : Renaud), a Loomio thread will be opened about Labs (to do : Valerie), and decision of the theme will be done on Loomio (or shall we decide now together for a "safe" theme that we know can give birth to something practical? => privacy is selected as a "default" theme). We propose to have a lunch before the lab (this would be optional : it's for those who want to eat together, or for those who want to watch people eat together, also...).


No conclusions. It was an informal moment (discussing the core values), without closing moment.