EGA:2014/08 Uccle-Ukkel

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The Pirate Party is in perpetual evolution. It's time for a new General Assembly cycle.

It will start in May, 31th and will end with the actual General Assembly on August 9th.

We will follow a new protocol, voted during the last General Assembly:

Motion 2 (Statutes), point 14 of the following document:

Approved by the General Assembly of January 2014: Events/EGA:2014-01/voting-day1


Before we begin

"The Coreteam meets to define questions for Pirates. The questions should be simply worded, unambiguous and as open as possible"

Subject will be:

  How can we improve the internal functioning of the Pirate Party in the coming years, 
  based on the experiences of the past years?

Contribution (5 weeks) | May, 31st to July, 5th at 23h59

" All the Pirates have the opportunity to make any response (s) to the question (s) asked. The duration of this period is five weeks. After two weeks, then every week, the Coreteam send an email to motivate all members. The texts are published on the website as and when they arrive, and assigned a number that identifies it. At the end of five weeks, no further contributions will be accepted, the list of contributions is stopped. "

Amendments (3 weeks) | July, 6th to July 26th at 23h59

"All the Pirates have the opportunity to modify, edit, delete, correct, translate contributions. The duration of this period is three weeks. At the end of three weeks, all amended texts become the " raw material " from which will be drawn up proposals to vote. "

Proposals to vote ( 2 weeks) | July 26th to August 8th at 23h59 <== We are here

"All Pirates have the opportunity to build from the "raw material" proposals to vote . The duration of this period is two weeks."

General Assembly | 9/8/2014

- EN -

The next General Assembly will start soon.

- When: the 9th of August 2014 from 10h untill 18h30

- Where: L'Eskive - Groeselenbergstraat 57, 1180 Ukkel (Old Parnasse Deux Alice Location) (

Tram 4 (direction Stalle) to HERO, then take the 38, 41, or 60 until busstop Houzeau

- Description of the location: The building was serving as a hospital before. We gather in the room in the rear at ground floor. There's a small kitchen in another room.

- What:

9h30: Welcome

10h: Introduction: short history, current way of working: by Jonas in Dutch & Kash in French

11h: Voting the proposals that are built from the 'raw material text' on this link: (During the past weeks you were able to make and discuss proposals on the wiki: )


Money: remuneration of mandates and membership fees: 45 min

Conflict resolution: 1 hour

13h: lunch

Structure of the party: 1,5 hour



Intermezzo: coreteam voting

Renaming the pirate party? (Not clear if voted on.): 45 min

17h30: Thank you board!

18h: Coming events and other

18h30: End

- Who: all members of the party. Check if you paid the membership fee :-) :

- Bring: food: 'potluck': bring food to share.

- Drinks: free tapwater, Belgoo Luppoo beer can be bought. You can bring your own drinks too :-)

- Parking space: enough space to park, there's a big parking lot.

- Entrance: free of course :-)


La prochaine Assemblée Générale commencera bientôt:

- Quand: 9 août 2014 de 10h à 18h30

- Où: L'Eskive - Groeselenbergstraat 57, 1180 Uccle (Ancien Parnasse Deux Alice) ( Tram 4 (direction Stalle) jusque HERO, Puis le 38, 41, ou 60 jusqu'à l'arrêt Houzeau

- Description du lieu: Le building est un ancien hopital. Nous occupons la salle principale à l'arrière du batiment. Il y a une petite cuisine dans une autre pièce.

- Quoi:

9h30: Accueil

10h: Introduction: bref historique, méthodes de travail actuelles: par Jonas en Néerlandais & Kash en Français

11h: Vote des propositions construites à partir des propositions « brutes », sur cette page : (Durant les dernières semaines, vous avez eu la possibilité de créer et discuter des propositions sur ce wiki : )


Comptabilité: rémuneration des mandats et cotisation: 45 min

Gestion des conflits: 1 heure

13h: lunch

Structure du Parti: 1,5 heure



Intermezzo: élection de la coreteam

Renommer le parti pirate ? (Not clear if voted on.): 45 min

17h30: Thank you board!

18h: Prochains évènements et divers

18h30: Fin

- Qui: Tous les membres du parti. Assurez-vous d'être en ordre de cotisation :-) :

- Que prendre: Nourriture: 'auberge espagnole': apportez de quoi partager.

- Boissons: Eau du robinet, un fût de Belgoo Luppoo beer peut être acheté. Vous pouvez aussi amener vos boissons :-)

- Parking: il y a assez de place devant le bâtiment, c'est un ancien hopital.


Hallo Piraten, Binnenkort hebben we weer een algemene vergadering. Een korte update:

- Wanneer: op 9 augustus van 10h tot 18h30

- Waar: L'Eskive - Groeselenbergstraat 57, 1180 Ukkel (Old Parnasse Deux Alice Location) ( )

Tram 4 (richting Stalle) naar HERO, dan de 38, 41 of 60 nemen richting Houzeau

- Beschrijving van de locatie: Het gebouw was vroeger een hospitaal. We vergaderen in de ruimte achteraan op het gelijkvloers. Er is een kleine keuken voorzien.

- Wat:

9h30: Welkom

10h: Introductie: een korte geschiedenis en hoe de partij werkt: Jonas in het Nederlands & Kash in het Frans

11h: Het stemmen op de voorstellen dat opgebouwd zijn uit het 'ruwe materiaal' op deze link: (Dit is op basis van wat er de afgelopen weken gemaakt en gediscussieerd werd op de wiki: )


Financiën: renumeratie en lidgeld: 45 minuten

Conflict behandeling: 1 uur

13h: lunch

Structuur van de partij: 1,5 uur



Intermezzo: coreteam verkiezing

Renaming the pirate party? (Not clear if voted on.): 45 min

17h30: Thank you board!

18h: Komende events, en andere...

18h30: einde

- Wie: alle leden van de partij hebben stemrecht. Het is vrij om een kijkje te komen nemen. Je kunt controleren of je lid bent van de partij hier:

- Meebrengen: eten: Potluck! Neem iets mee om 's middags te delen met de andere Piraten!

- Drank: gratis kraanwater, Belgoo Luppoo bier kan gekocht worden. Je mag eigen drank meedoen :-)

- Parkeerplaats: grote parking op 10m