EGA:2013/06 Gent

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When - Quand - Wanneer

  • Saturday 29/06 : 10h

Where - Où - Waar


Tinnenpotstraat 21 9000 Gent

Rules of Procedure

Announcement & Practical informations

  • [FR] L'annonce et les infos pratiques sont ICI.
  • [NL] De aankondiging en praktische Info vindt u HIER.

Structure Propositions

  • Structure propositions are official once they are mailed to <email></email>.
  • The deadline for submitting proposals is May 25th 2013, 23h59 CET.
  • The deadline for submitting amendments is June 15th 2013, 23h59 CET.
  • You can find the propositions already made so far on this page

If you want to submit any statute amendment or other proposal write to <email></email>.

Meeting notes