Coreteam/Meeting/12 01 2013

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Coreteam Meeting Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Workgroup Coreteam
Date Sat 12 January 2013
Time 3:00pm
Venue Brussels' Office
rue Gérard 47a
1040 Etterbeek
Attendees Jonas, Nofel, Paul, Marouan, Mike, Stef
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Maybe 14:00 is a better idea? ok for 14 (i will cancel the other meeting i had)=> Maybe you shouldn't, there isn't anything important on this agenda.the most important is to set up & launch the process for the next GA, so ti hink it's good to take some time. Anyway, we need to clean our local :-p en plus, did you see this -> I saw it passing by, but then again, I see a lot passing by without finding it back later. Maybe we should keep a pad with the links to all our pads which still are relevant? :D +1


1. What's next for the first quarter of 2013 ? 2. PPI in Kazan? Is somebody going? We need to get our visas/tickets! j'ai regardé et la formule a changé pour les visas en russie ( + ... c'est plus facile et rapide qu'avant (en 2011 il fallait introduire le dossier 3 mois a l'avance) mais franchement, c'est n'importe quoi, vous avez vu opuù c'est ????? en plus le PPI, c'est n'importe quoi ... 3. What about PP-EU in Paris? i want to be there (socialisation with other pirates) because it's so close but someone else can be delegate, no prob with that ... because it's about statute 3' International Meeting in Hamburg? Mab & Claudia (Amelia office) are going ... Jonas and Paul too ... we need to rent a car with Mab (i look at it) ... 4. Agenda for the GA?

  • Allow the first proposals for the program of our party? Maybe limit the subjects?

5. Progress in redactie squad (i was present at the first meeting but not invited to the second meeting) IT-squad 6. On the Creation of a Party Program (voir le pad european programme dans la page squad sur le wiki) 7. Slow answering of contact mails (i answer when it's coming from wallonie but for brussel, what can i do ?=> Marouan ?) 8. How do we continue working in the coreteam? Do we split functions, keep the titles, etc. The statutes have changed. creation of squad for : coordination, finance, communication, ...

  • Maybe we can redefine our tasks, based on what everybody is actually doing for the moment.

9. FOSDEM + Copy Party + Pirate Parley : how to insure a visibility at these events ?

10. SNCB Leaks : opinie tekst : (un ami est dans le collectif qui porte plainte au tribunal) 11. mail adresses & it-stuff

[ The meeting pad


What's next for the first quarter of 2013 ?

Questions : What about the coreteam and its future ? How do we continue working in the coreteam? Do we split functions, keep the titles, etc.

Options :

  • poursuivre après l'AG de mars avec la Coreteam actuelle jusqu'à l'AG de juin
    • --> avec approbation de l'AG de mars, sinon impossible because of statutes
  • démission de la Coreteam puis réélection d'une nouvelle équipe pour un an
    • permitted by vote 94 AGE
    • pas de job description statutaire des membres de la Coreteam
  • démission de la Coreteam puis réélection d'une équipe provisoire jusqu'à l'AG de juin
    • mission : organiser les élections (jobs descriptions, procédure,...) + affaires courantes
    • durée fin mars - fin juin
    • ouvert à tous
    • de 3 à 12 personnes : élection by...system to choose

Conclusion : Option 3

Agenda for the GA?

6 different moments to distinguish :

  1. Vote des propositions statutaires & Vote statutary votes
  2. Elect a Extraordinary Admiralty
  3. Activity Report : + Q&A
  4. training & workshop :
    1. how to use drupal : user profil, create page
    2. wiki, pad, lqfb,, social media and other tools
    3. political issue : comment fonctionne la Belgique ? or our three main issues ?
  5. Keynotes --> Two aspects : 1. who wants to talk ? (free speech to everyone) 2. experts (MEP, lawyer,...)
  6. Social Event : saturday night --> to think

What ?

  1. How could we organize the party ? (continuation and ending)
  2. What's our core principles ? Manifesto, charte, codex, objet social, core values --> what do we stand for ? (this is not our program)
  3. Who wants to talk ? -->keynotes
  4. Which tools do we use ?


Other Sutff

International Stuff

  1. PPI :
    1. Kazan: a week-end (to be defined) in april
      1. Visa : one or twee weeks, need help from PPRussia, fees to pay 20-30 €
      2. Who's interested : Koen, Jonas,Paul (maybe)
    2. Vote of Prague Agreement : about the creation of PPEU.
  2. PPEU
    1. Paris : statutes meeting 9-10 february
      1. Who's interested : Jonas, Paul
    2. Croatia : program meeting, march (to be defined)
      1. Who's interested : Paul, Koen
  3. Hannover (19-20 january)
    1. Workshop on how to lead a campaign, no official voting, organized by German Pirates
      1. Who's interested : Paul, Koen, Jelle, Jonas, Klaas, Sarah (?), Mab, Claudia (intern)

Squad @ work

  1. ITSquad :
    1. new website: almost over, some translation to do (french and admin), about some weeks
    2. database: Mike S. is working on a new version of members database (civicrm).
    3. email adress: what's the situation about the "" ? there are no rules. Criteria to defined by...?
  2. SNCBLeaks Squad : will transform into Personal Data Squad.
  3. SLASquad: new doodle to set
  4. RedactieSquad: goal --> focused on the website frontpage content
  5. OfficeSquad : Launched this evening
  6. DemocracySquad: Jonas will be involved in the Obejctive n°4


  1. FOSDEM : Amelia will hold a speech, saturday at noon
  2. Copy Party : 24 january,
  3. Pirate Parley : debat :

18:40, Meeting dismissed