GASquad checklist

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Object of this document: a to-do list that can be re-used for each GA, or for another type of pirate meeting, to make sure things are planned in a timely manner, and that nothing gets forgotten on the way. The template for the official procedure can be found here. The aspects that are related to the current Statutes are in bold.

At least 3 months before D day

  • Set the date and city of the meeting
  • Set the Theme/Question for the assembly ( --> coreteam)

12 weeks before

  • Ask locals to look for a venue --> about the criteria for the venue, click here
  • Create event on and facebook
  • Draft official invitation in FR-NL and send over pirate networks (make article for website page, ...)

10 weeks before

  • Pirates are invited to contribute: let them know via all possible communcation means
    • Call for discussion not only via getop but also in crew meetings
  • Send request to 4G squad to translate the proposals along
  • Prepare agenda of the day: discuss online and meet with locals, coreteam, IT, ask pirates input ...
  • Invite people who would present something on the GA (reporting, seminars, ...)

5 weeks before

4 weeks before

  • Check the venue: is there wifi, a wall on which to project or a screen, are there chairs, where can we eat, ...
  • Send invitation with request to register

2 weeks before

  • Transfer proposals into document for voting

1 week before

  • Send reminder including "how to reach the venue"
  • Meet with locals to discuss practicalities
  • Go through the agenda and set times and priorities

Few days before

  • Print the voting forms
  • Print A4 pages to help locate the GA: [1]
  • Print A4 pages with agenda of the day: [2]
  • Define roles, who does what? Especially, find a chairperson (from the local organisers for instance), possibly two.

Morning preparation

  • Stick indication papers to help people reach the venue
  • Prepare a welcome table for registration
  • Set the etherpad, with agenda
  • Put all slides on the laptop and save them so that the GA squad has them all

Take along on D day

  • Meetings bag: marker pens, scissors, tape, flags and other merchandising, pegs, wire thread, voting cards
  • Beamer (unless present at venue of course...)
  • Wifi routers (as back up if venue wifi fails)
  • Up-to-date list of members
  • Printed pages with
    • Voting proposals, if applicable (at least one per pirate)
    • A few agendas of the day, to be put on tables
    • Papers for indicating location
  • Power plugs (many laptops will have to be connected)
  • Two laptops at least
    • One for beamer
    • One for local etherpad, in case internet connection is not reliable
  • If available:
    • Local server (as a back up if wifi fails - ask Askarel?)
    • Sound system
    • Badging equipment

Welcome session

It should include an explanation on communication (meaning of gestures, ...) and that every one is invited to take notes on the pad.

End of the day

  • Save contents of pads into text file
  • Start follow-up page