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Libertarian municipalism, Murray Bookchin and the Pirates

Many articles are citing Bookchin's ideas on Libertarian Municipalism, but are they well known and accepted by the Pirates ? I don't doubt that they will be OK with the anarcho communists pirates, but what about the others ?

Shouldn't we start creating a list of political philosophers, thinkers and projects on which we, as Pirates, are creating our proposals for a better society ?

For instance: Rick Falvinge (for the Pirate Wheel and Swarmwise), Murray Bookchin, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Jeremy Rifkin, Stephane Laborde ("Théorie relative de la monnaie"), the P2P Foundation, Enspiral/Loomio... --ZeFredz (talk) 13:49, 19 September 2017 (CEST)