Crew Brussels/Meeting/18 04 2012

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Meeting10 Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Workgroup Crew Brussels
Date Wed 18 April 2012
Time ?
Attendees Line, Antonio, Nofel, Julie, Maël, Marouan
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  • PPI Conference Debriefing
  • Crew Brussels organization
  • Elections 2012
  • Extra items (not on the agenda)
  • To-Do

PPI ConferenceDebriefing

  • The conference was held on 14th-15th April in Prague
  • Were present from PP-Be : Marouan (delegate MA), Antonio(Spain), Paul, Glenn, Jonas, Pieter, Toon, Jurgen
  • Minutes from the conference can be found here :
  • There was a vote to renew the PPI board but PPBe abstained because we don't agree with the principle of an umbrella organisation
  • There was a vote to recognise PP-Catalunya as an official member of the PPI : PP-Be voted in favor and the motion passed, but it is apparently contrary to the PPI statutes and likely to cause further complications
  • On PP-EU, a document in the form of an agreement in principle to come forward together in the European elections

Crew Brussels organization

  • There is need for a new captain and navigator for the current Brussels crew (which atm groups all Brussels municipalities)
  • It was suggested that Claire might be interested in being captain (tbc by her)
  • We will hold a discussion/vote in 2 weeks during the next regular meeting on this issue

Elections 2012

  • Organisation & planning :
    • For reference, deadline for presenting lists is 12 September
    • Marouan will present himself in Schaerbeek, Line in Brussels, Jurgen in Ixelles
    • Each one will organise the campaign on his/her own with a local mailing list
    • In Ixelles Jurgen has separated the municipality into zones and will start distributing flyers
    • Ultimately, it would be a good idea to present lists in both languages for greater visibility
  • Priorities :
    • Attract public attention of PP-Be through the press and word of mouth
    • Encourage people to participate directly by focusing on the fact that lists are open and that the program will be built collectively
    • Considering the previous point, coming up with lists is a low-priority item : we will draw on the pool of people participating in the campaign, which should be as large as possible
    • We need 100 signatures of citizens or 2 signatures from elected officials to present a list --> Jurgen suggested we go see elected officials to get their support

Extra items (not on the agenda)

  • Meetings organisation : it was suggested that future meetings start at 20.00 instead of 19.30
  • New website : Marouan is working on it, will discuss it with Mike and the web squad


  • Marouan will add link to annual report of previous PPI board
  • Marouan will send email to announce a meeting to discuss/vote on Brussels crew captain + navigator
  • Marouan will discuss new website with the web squad + keep us informed
  • Jonas will create an adress for the campaign's mailing lists

Wed 18 April 2012

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