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= Pirate Survival Guide =
= Pirate Survival Guide =

'''This page is under construction !''' To help newcomers, the goal of this page is to create a global yet not limited overview of the current workings of the Belgian pirates. All help is welcome so get ready to pick up your pen. But first, should you want to discuss something, head over to the [[Talk:Welcome/Guide|"discussion tab"]].
'''This page is under construction !''' To help newcomers, the goal of this page is to create a global yet not limited overview of the current way of working of the Belgian pirates. All help is welcome so get ready to pick up your pen. But first, should you want to discuss something, head over to the [[Talk:Welcome/Guide|"discussion tab"]].

== About us ==
== About us ==
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== The Structure ==  
== The Structure ==  

The pirate structure is not centralized. Centralization supposes the creation of a hierarchy, to which the pirates are allergic. The structure is also not decentralized, because decentralization supposes also the presence of a hierarchy. The structure is rather '''distributed'''. The distribution is supported by a perfect equivalence of all its entities, which are autonomous and free to organise without any direction « from above ». Thus it operates not from high to low nor from low to high, but horizontally (NB: [[F****_(suggested)_manual_FR|see here]] to learn more about our structural theory).
The pirate structure is not centralized. Centralization supposes the creation of a hierarchy, to which most pirates are allergic. The structure is also not decentralized, because decentralization supposes also the presence of a hierarchy. The structure is rather '''distributed'''. The distribution is supported by a perfect equivalence of all its entities, which are autonomous and free to organise without any direction « from above ». Thus it operates not from high to low nor from low to high, but horizontally (NB: [[F****_(suggested)_manual|see here]] to learn more about our structural theory).

The structure of the Pirate Party is described in the statutes, voted on and modified on multiple occasions during general assemblies. However, they are obsolete and little followed. Updating them is not an easy task, and pirates have better things to do, these [http://wiki.pirateparty.be/images/9/9f/Ppbe-statutes-fr_be.pdf statutes] are simply ignored de facto.
The structure of the Pirate Party is described in the statutes, voted on and modified on multiple occasions during general assemblies. However, they are obsolete and little followed. Updating them is not an easy task, and pirates have better things to do, these [http://wiki.pirateparty.be/images/9/9f/Ppbe-statutes-fr_be.pdf statutes] are simply ignored de facto.
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=== The Pirates ===
=== The Pirates ===

Les pirates constituent une population hétéroclite qui doit jongler avec plusieurs langues et plusieurs sensibilités politiques. En pratique, lorsque les pirates du Nord et du Sud se retrouvent ils parlent surtout l’Anglais – source perpétuelle de débat. Les pirates se disent plutôt à gauche, parfois à droite, ou surtout d’aucun des deux car « ça n’a aucun sens ». Certains pirates sont [https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchisme anarchistes] - souvent [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-are-you-an-anarchist-the-answer-may-surprise-you sans le savoir]. Dans un grand groupe, les mots « chef » et « vote » soulèvent donc très souvent un tollé. D’ailleurs, les pirates critiquent beaucoup (cf. do-it-ocracy plus bas).
The pirates are a heterogeneous population which has to juggle multiple languages and political feelings. In practice, because there are pirates from both the North and South, they mainly speak English - a source of eternal discussion. The pirates are sometimes leftists, sometimes rightists, but mostly neither of them because « it has no meaning ». Some pirates are [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism anarchists] - often [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-are-you-an-anarchist-the-answer-may-surprise-you without knowing it]. Therefore, in a big group, the words « boss » and « vote » very often raise an outcry. Besides, pirates criticize a lot (cf. do-it-ocracy below).

Un pirate est un pirate car il agit en tant que tel. Il n’est pas nécessaire, ni suffisant, d’avoir une carte de membre pour cela. Il est toutefois possible de payer une cotisation, afin d’alimenter le compte payant les factures : serveurs, location de salles pour les AG, … La cotisation est annuelle et libre. Elle confère le droit de vote aux AG, si vote il y a. Les mouvements sur le compte sont - normalement - [http://finance.partipirate.be affichés] de manière transparente (avec anonymisation).
A pirate is a pirate because he acts as one. It's not necessary, nor sufficient, to have a member card. It's mostly possible to contribute a small fee in order to pay the bills: servers, room locations for the GA, ... The fee is yearly and unconstrained. It gives the right to vote at the GA, if there is a vote. The movements on the balance sheet are - normally - [http://finance.partipirate.be displayed] in a transparent manner (with anonymization).

=== Les équipages, ou crews ===
=== The crews ===

Les [[Crew|crews]] sont des groupes locaux de pirates qui se réunissent pour échanger des idées et faire des choses ensemble. Une crew a souvent (mais pas toujours) un·e capitaine (porte-parole ou leader) et un·e navigateur·rice (secrétaire) mais chacune peut s’organiser comme elle l’entend, tant que les rôles ne sont pas accaparés. Afin d’assurer la transparence et le partage des connaissances, chaque crew doit rendre accessibles en ligne les dates de ses futures réunions, et des compte-rendus de ses activités.
The [[Crew|crews]] are local groups of pirates who gather to exchange ideas and do things together. A crew has often (but not always) a captain (spokesperson or leader) and a navigator (secretary) but each crew can organize itself how it wants because the roles are not imposed. To ensure transparency and sharing of knowledge, each crew has to communicate online the dates of future meetings, and report an account of its activities.

Une crew est a priori constituée de 3 pirates au minimum (cf. règle des 3 pirates ci-dessous). En pratique, elle a souvent une quinzaine de pirates aux maximum. Au-delà, les difficultés de communication portent le groupe à se scinder naturellement. Le chiffre 7 est un chiffre magique. Les crews se sont révélées jusqu’ici l’entité la plus active, probablement parce que la proximité géographique facilite et intensifie les interactions. Attention, une crew n'est pas une ville ou une région, et une ville n'a pas une seule crew. Il n'y a pas d'exclusivité, juste des affinités.
A crew comes into being when there are a minimum of 3 pirates (cf. the rule of 3 pirates below). Practically, it often has an upper limit of fifteen. When more, problems of communication force the group to split up naturally. The number 7 is a magic number. The crews have been the most active entity up till now, probably because geographic proximity aids and intensifies the interactions. Beware, a crew is not a city or a region, and a city does not have one single crew. There is no exclusivity, only affinity.

=== Les escouades, ou squads, ou projets ===  
=== The squads, or projects ===  

Les escouades sont le rejeton naturel des idées. Ce sont des groupes de travail visant un objectif bien précis. Une squad se forme lorsque plusieurs pirates décident de travailler ensemble. Comme les crews, les squads doivent documenter leur travail en ligne. Afin d’assurer la représentativité de leur actions, les squads sont préférablement composées de pirates venant de crews différentes.
Squads are the offshoots of ideas. They are work groups with a specific objective. A squad forms when multiple pirates decide to work together. Like crews, squads must document their work online. To ensure the representativeness of their actions, the squads are preferably made up of pirates of different crews.

=== Les trésorier·e·s ===  
=== The treasurers ===  

Lors d’une AG, les pirates accordent leur confiance à quelques pirates recevant les accès au compte du parti. Ils ont pour mission de payer les factures et gérer la liste des membres. Une tâche très ingrate, ça va de soi...
At an GA, the pirates give their trust to other pirates who receive access to the party's account. Their mission is to pay the bills and manage a list of members. A very thankless task, it goes without saying...

== Les Rencontres ==  
== The Meetings ==  

Les principales occasions de se rencontrer entre pirates pour l’instant sont :
The main opportunities to meet fellow pirates for now are:

=== Les beers ===  
=== The beers ===  

Rencontres informelles périodiques organisées par les crews, lors de laquelle les pirates et des curieux se retrouvent autour d’un verre (et pas nécessairement une bière !) pour refaire le monde. C’est la porte d’entrée principale des pirates, par laquelle on peut jeter un œil, puis décider d’entrer, et rester, ou ressortir tout aussi vite...
Regular and informal meetings organized by the crews during which the pirates and interested people gather around some drinks (not necessarily beer!) to remake the world. It's the main entrance door for pirates, through which one can see the workings, decide to join and to stay, or also to get out again as quickly.

=== Les réunions de travail d’équipages ===  
=== The work meetings of crews ===  

Réunions formelles, avec ordre du jour et compte-rendu. La réunion est souvent animée par le capitaine et le compte-rendu réalisé par le navigateur, mais ce n’est pas toujours le cas. Ces réunions sont souvent hebdomadaires, mais peuvent avoir lieu plus souvent (lors des élections, ça chauffe !).
Formal meetings, with an agenda and report. The meeting is often conducted by the captain and the report written up by the navigator, but this is not always the case. These meetings are usually weekly but can also take place more often (especially popular during election time!).

=== Les Labs ===  
=== The Labs ===  

Réunions de travail mensuelles (actuellement, le dernier samedi du mois) ouvertes où se rencontrent des pirates de tout le pays. Les labs sont « l’auberge espagnole » des projets, nés d’une envie d’auto-gestion (suite à la déliquescence de la coreteam* et une fronde – autant le savoir). Ils permettent à tout pirate de proposer un projet, d’y évaluer la réaction d’autres pirates et de lancer une squad pour travailler dessus. C'est donc un lieu d'empowerment. Indirectement, ils permettent aux crews de se rencontrer régulièrement et donc de ne pas se perdre de vue. Certains projets nécessitant l’assentiment de tous les pirates, les labs sont aussi le lieu de conception et gestation des assemblées générales.
Monthly open work meetings (usually the last Saturday of the month) where pirates from across the country gather. The labs are « the potluck » of projects, born out of an urge of self-management. They allow all pirates to propose a project, to evaluate the reaction of other pirates, and to launch a squad to work on it. Thus it's a place of empowerment. Indirectly, they allow crews to meet regularly and keep in touch. Particular projects require the consent of all pirates, and the labs are also the place of conception and gestation of the general assemblies.

=== Les assemblées générales ===
=== The general assemblies ===

(AG, GA, AV) : L’AG est l’entité souveraine des pirates. Seule l’AG peut prendre des décisions officielles, en particulier lorsqu’il s’agit de nouvelles dépenses. La prise de décisions, selon les statuts, s’y fait par vote à la majorité. Le vote étant un générateur de perdants, de nombreux pirates sont demandeurs d’autres modes, en particulier de consensus (= la levée des objections)... ce à quoi certains sont farouchement opposés. La discussion est donc toujours ouverte et les expérimentations toujours à faire. Il faut un minimum de une AG par an, et ont lieu en général 2 à 3 AG, avec rotation du lieu. Une AG dure typiquement une journée et le repas s’y fait sous forme d’auberge espagnole... pour ceux qui pensent à amener quelque chose (et sous forme de snack en ville pour les autres). Les AG sont éreintantes. Prenez-donc du chocolat...
(AG, GA, AV): The GA is a sovereign entity of pirates. Only the GA can make official decisions, especially when it's about new expenses. According to the statutes, decisions are made by majority vote. Because the vote is a "loser generator", numerous pirates are demanding for other ways of voting, like consensus (= the lifting of objections)... against which others are ferociously opposed. The discussion is still open and experiments are still being carried out. There is a minimum of one GA per year, usually there are 2 or 3, with a changing location. A GA typically lasts a day and the meal is in the form of a potluck... for those who think about bringing something (and as a snack in town for others). The GA is grueling, so please bring chocolate.

== Les Outils Pirates ==  
== The Pirate Tools ==  

=== Quelques règles, avant tout ===
=== First some rules ===

* [[File:Handshake,_by_David.svg|40px]] '''Assume good faith''' : Le pirate doit (essayer de) supposer que chacun est de bonne foi et a de bonnes raisons de faire ce qu’il fait. Les pirates doivent se faire confiance. Ce n’est pas facile, mais c’est essentiel... et ça s’apprend (si, si, vraiment).
* [[File:Handshake,_by_David.svg|40px]] '''Assume good faith''' : The pirate has to (try to) suppose that everybody has good intentions and good reasons to do what he/she does. Pirates have to have trust. It's not easy, but it is essential... and that can be learned (yes, yes, really).
* [[File:Community_Preparedness_icon_-_Noun_Project_8678.svg|40px]]'''La règle des 3 pirates''' : C’est la règle d’or : N’importe quelle initiative peut être lancée par n’importe quel pirate, du moment que
* [[File:Community_Preparedness_icon_-_Noun_Project_8678.svg|40px]]'''The 3 Pirates rule''' : It's the golden rule : Any initiative can be launched by any pirate, provided that
** celui-ci trouve deux autres pirates pour le faire avec lui,
** he/she finds two other pirates to go along with him/her
** que ce n’est pas illégal,
** it is not illegal
** ne porte pas atteinte à l’image du parti,
** it doesn't harm the party's image
** et ne prélève pas d’argent dans les caisses (mais on peut en faire la demande !).
** and it doesn't need any money from the chest (but a request can be filed !).

Cette règle a pour but de favoriser la prise d’initiative et l’autonomie, et se base sur la confiance mutuelle. Un de ses corollaires est que tout un chacun peut fonder une crew ! Un autre corollaire essentiel à assimiler est « fais toi-même ce que tu veux qui soit au lieu de râler » (en respectant les règles ci-dessus, et en informant de ce qu’on fait et comment !).
The goal of this rule is to support taking initiative and autonomy, and is based on mutual trust. Consequently, everyone can start a crew! Another essential consequence to take in is that you « have to do it yourself instead of moaning » (respecting the rules above, and to let us know what you are doing and how !).

=== Les outils en ligne ===
=== The online tools ===

* '''Vitrine'''. La vitrine du parti est notre [http://pirateparty.be/ '''site web''']. Il est alimenté par des billets personnels, et comme il doit être en plusieurs langues, le travail de traduction est constant. Pour la communication en interne, c’est plutôt ailleurs que ça se passe :
* '''Showcase'''. The showcase of the party is our [http://pirateparty.be/ '''website''']. It is powered by personal contributions, and because it needs to be in different languages, the translation work is everlasting. As for internal communication, this happens elsewhere :
* '''Documentation'''. Expliquer qui fait quoi, comment, quand, est essentiel au fonctionnement d’une structure horizontale. Notre plateforme de base pour annoncer et archiver ce que les crews, squads et AG font est un [http://wiki.pirateparty.be '''wiki''']. Travailler sur un wiki est très simple... dès qu’on arrête de supposer que ça ne l’est pas. Et si on n’ose pas se jeter à l’eau, il y a toujours des maîtres nageurs pas loin, il suffit de crier.
* '''Documentation'''. Explain who does what, how, when is essential for the working of a horizontal structure. Our platform for announcing and organizing the crews, squads and GA is a [http://wiki.pirateparty.be '''wiki''']. Working on the wiki is very simple... as soon as we stop supposing that it's not. And if you don't dare to dive into the deep end, there are always experienced swimmers close by, so give us a shout.
* '''Elaboration'''. Rédiger un texte en ligne, accessible à tous et modifiable en temps réel en même temps : c’est le [http://piratepad.be/ '''pad'''] (épatant!). On s’identifie par une couleur de texte, on écrit tous ensemble, on papote dans la fenêtre de chat... et quand le travail est fini on exporte vers le wiki ou tout autre format plus stable.
* '''Elaboration'''. Editing a text online, accessible to all and editable in real-time : that's the [http://pad.pirateparty.be/ '''pad''']. Each of the contributors is identified by a certain text color, all writing together, chatting in the chat window... and when the work is complete, it's exported in the wiki or to another, more stable format.
* '''Discussion'''. Proposer des idées et en débattre, c’est ce qui se fait dans les labs et les AG, mais aussi entre deux, en ligne, sur [https://www.loomio.org/g/w9m0yGeJ/pirates-be-permanent-assembly '''loomio'''].
* '''Discussion'''. Proposing ideas and discuss them, that's what is going on in the labs and the GA, but also between those two moments, online, on [https://www.loomio.org/g/w9m0yGeJ/pirates-be-permanent-assembly '''loomio'''].
* '''Réunion informelle en ligne'''. Il existe un groupe Facebook fermé : [https://www.facebook.com/groups/477476422399809/ Belgian Pirates United]. Ici, on poste et partage un peu ce qu'on veut. Il n'y aucune restriction, et le groupe n'est pas modéré. Souvent, des articles intéressants sont partagés, des questions sont posées, et des remarques ou rappels sont donnés, ainsi que des sondages occasionnels, etc. Mais quelques fois, le groupe est aussi utilisé pour exprimer des frustrations, ce qui, malheureusement, peut produire un effet boule de neige d'incompréhensions et de frustrations supplémentaires. Dans ces moments-là, mieux vaut laisser décanter un message au moins une heure avant de le poster (ce qui est valable partout, d'ailleurs). Pour beaucoup, ce groupe est le premier point de contact avec les pirates. Il est donc important de comprendre que les pirates sont beaucoup plus que ce groupe (certains ne possèdent même pas de compte Facebook, et ne font donc pas partie de ce groupe). Facebook n'est tout simplement pas le bon outil pour vraiment faire avancer les choses, et c'est d'ailleurs pourquoi nous avons mis en place d'autres outils, tels que loomio, les [[Pirate Lab|pirate labs]] et les escouades.
* '''Informal online meetings'''. There is a closed Facebook group: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/477476422399809/ Belgian Pirates United]. Here we post and share anything we want. There are no restrictions, and the group is not moderated. Interesting articles are often shared, questions asked and comments or reminders given, as well as occasional polls, etc. But sometimes the group is also used to vent frustrations, which unfortunately can lead to a snowball effect of incomprehension and additional frustrations. In those moments, it is better to let a message settle for at least an hour before posting it (which is good advice for anywhere). For many, this group is the first point of contact with the pirates. So it's important to understand that the pirates are much more than this group (certain pirates don't even have a Facebook account, and so are not members of the group). Facebook is just not the tool to really get things done, that's why we also have created other tools, like Loomio, the [[Pirate Lab|pirate labs]] and the squads.

Vous avez un autre outil à proposer ? Petit conseil : parlez-en d’abord autour de vous. (l’outillonite aigüe a fait des ravages ces dernières années), et préférez les outils open source.
Do you have another tool to recommend? A little advice: first talk it over with the people around you (Acute Toolage has created havoc in recent years), and make sure the tool is open source.

=== Les signes de mains ===  
=== The hand signals ===  

Les signes de mains utilisés par Occupy et Indignados se sont creusé un petit trou ici. Ils permettent de s’exprimer (demander la parole, marquer son accord ou désaccord, demander un droit de réponse, ...) sans interrompre la personne ayant la parole.
The hand signals used by Occupy and Indignados have dig a little hole here. They permit expression (asking to speak, signalling agreement or disagreement, asking for the right to respond, ...) without interrupting the person speaking.

=== Proverbes <s>chinois</s> pirates ===
=== <s>Chinese</s> pirate proverbs ===

* Tourne ton message 7 fois dans ta tête avant de le poster.
* Turn your message around for 7 times inside your head before posting it.
* On ne prend pas la parole, on la reçoit.
* You don't take the word, you receive it.
* Quand tu vois une action qui ne te plaît pas, réagit par une action qui te plaît.
* When you see an action you don't like, react with an action you do like.

== Petit Lexique ==  
== Small Vocabulary ==  

* '''Démocratie liquide''' : La démocratie liquide est une forme de prise de décision très en vogue chez les pirates, portée au-devant de la scène par les pirates allemands et leur outil, liquidfeedback. Elle a ses fans et ses détracteurs par ici. Des fans car elle permettrait de concrétiser une démocratie directe via l’Internet (avec délégation libre de sa voix), des détracteurs car elle ne susciterait pas le débat.
* '''Liquid democracy''' : Liquid democracy is a form of decision making which is very popular among pirates, first brought on the scene by German pirates and their tool, liquidfeedback. Around here it has its fans and its critics. Fans like it because it allows to institute a direct democracy via the internet (with free delegation of one's voice). Critics dislike it doesn't stimulate the debate.
* '''UBI''' : Ce sont les initiales du revenu de base universel, en anglais. Le graal pour les pirates qui travaillent à temps plein et manquent cruellement de temps et d’énergie pour se consacrer à la vie sociale et politique...
* '''UBI''' : These are the initials of the term Universal Basic Income. The Grail for pirates who work full-time and don't have nearly enough time or energy to invest in their social and political life...
* '''Falkvinge''' : Rick est un des fondateurs du parti pirate en Suède, aujourd’hui évangéliste. Ses saintes écritures sont son [https://falkvinge.net/ blog], son [https://falkvinge.net/pirate-wheel/ « gouvernail des pirates »] et son livre [https://www.google.be/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj53c220ufPAhXM2xoKHbxOAV4QFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffalkvinge.net%2Ffiles%2F2013%2F04%2FSwarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1.1-2013Sep01.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGl2EJgflPZY4LkdctfOLspEyqkWw&bvm=bv.135974163,d.d2s « Swarmwise »].
* '''Falkvinge''' : Rick is one of the founders of the pirate party in Sweden, and has become an evangelist. His holy scriptures are his [https://falkvinge.net/ blog], his [https://falkvinge.net/pirate-wheel/ « pirate wheel »] and his book [https://www.google.be/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj53c220ufPAhXM2xoKHbxOAV4QFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffalkvinge.net%2Ffiles%2F2013%2F04%2FSwarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1.1-2013Sep01.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGl2EJgflPZY4LkdctfOLspEyqkWw&bvm=bv.135974163,d.d2s « Swarmwise »].
* '''MEP''' : Membre du parlement européen. Les pirates ont compté Christian Engstrom et Amelia Andersdotter à la législature précédente, et maintenant Julia Reda.
* '''MEP''' : Member of the European Parliament. The pirates counted Christian Engstrom and Amelia Andersdotter in the previous legislature, and now Julia Reda.
* '''Coreteam''' : Feu l’organe de coordination du parti pirate belge. Chercher à coordonner les pirates est une tâche ingrate et extrêmement risquée. A l’heure actuelle, le pilote automatique est assuré par les trésoriers et les Pirates Labs.
* '''Coreteam''' : The coordinating organ of the Belgian pirate party. Coordinating the pirates is an ungrateful and very risky task. At present, the autopilot is provided by the treasurers and the Pirates Labs.

Latest revision as of 23:56, 24 January 2018

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Pirate Survival Guide

This page is under construction ! To help newcomers, the goal of this page is to create a global yet not limited overview of the current way of working of the Belgian pirates. All help is welcome so get ready to pick up your pen. But first, should you want to discuss something, head over to the "discussion tab".

About us


A cloud is how we would describe the Belgian Pirates. With a vague and moving outline, it changes in dimensions and forms, according to the seasons and air pressure ... It does not (yet ?) have the goal and efficiency of a swarm of bees, but it already is a separate entity in the sky, with its own structure and mode of existence. These elements of structure and their workings are explained below.

The Structure

The pirate structure is not centralized. Centralization supposes the creation of a hierarchy, to which most pirates are allergic. The structure is also not decentralized, because decentralization supposes also the presence of a hierarchy. The structure is rather distributed. The distribution is supported by a perfect equivalence of all its entities, which are autonomous and free to organise without any direction « from above ». Thus it operates not from high to low nor from low to high, but horizontally (NB: see here to learn more about our structural theory).

The structure of the Pirate Party is described in the statutes, voted on and modified on multiple occasions during general assemblies. However, they are obsolete and little followed. Updating them is not an easy task, and pirates have better things to do, these statutes are simply ignored de facto.

The Entities

Today the Pirates come together mainly in the form of crews. A pirate « exists » as an individuality (Pirate) and as a member of a crew. There are other entities that also play a role: the treasurers, the squads, and other Pirate Parties.

The Pirates

The pirates are a heterogeneous population which has to juggle multiple languages and political feelings. In practice, because there are pirates from both the North and South, they mainly speak English - a source of eternal discussion. The pirates are sometimes leftists, sometimes rightists, but mostly neither of them because « it has no meaning ». Some pirates are anarchists - often without knowing it. Therefore, in a big group, the words « boss » and « vote » very often raise an outcry. Besides, pirates criticize a lot (cf. do-it-ocracy below).

A pirate is a pirate because he acts as one. It's not necessary, nor sufficient, to have a member card. It's mostly possible to contribute a small fee in order to pay the bills: servers, room locations for the GA, ... The fee is yearly and unconstrained. It gives the right to vote at the GA, if there is a vote. The movements on the balance sheet are - normally - displayed in a transparent manner (with anonymization).

The crews

The crews are local groups of pirates who gather to exchange ideas and do things together. A crew has often (but not always) a captain (spokesperson or leader) and a navigator (secretary) but each crew can organize itself how it wants because the roles are not imposed. To ensure transparency and sharing of knowledge, each crew has to communicate online the dates of future meetings, and report an account of its activities.

A crew comes into being when there are a minimum of 3 pirates (cf. the rule of 3 pirates below). Practically, it often has an upper limit of fifteen. When more, problems of communication force the group to split up naturally. The number 7 is a magic number. The crews have been the most active entity up till now, probably because geographic proximity aids and intensifies the interactions. Beware, a crew is not a city or a region, and a city does not have one single crew. There is no exclusivity, only affinity.

The squads, or projects

Squads are the offshoots of ideas. They are work groups with a specific objective. A squad forms when multiple pirates decide to work together. Like crews, squads must document their work online. To ensure the representativeness of their actions, the squads are preferably made up of pirates of different crews.

The treasurers

At an GA, the pirates give their trust to other pirates who receive access to the party's account. Their mission is to pay the bills and manage a list of members. A very thankless task, it goes without saying...

The Meetings

The main opportunities to meet fellow pirates for now are:

The beers

Regular and informal meetings organized by the crews during which the pirates and interested people gather around some drinks (not necessarily beer!) to remake the world. It's the main entrance door for pirates, through which one can see the workings, decide to join and to stay, or also to get out again as quickly.

The work meetings of crews

Formal meetings, with an agenda and report. The meeting is often conducted by the captain and the report written up by the navigator, but this is not always the case. These meetings are usually weekly but can also take place more often (especially popular during election time!).

The Labs

Monthly open work meetings (usually the last Saturday of the month) where pirates from across the country gather. The labs are « the potluck » of projects, born out of an urge of self-management. They allow all pirates to propose a project, to evaluate the reaction of other pirates, and to launch a squad to work on it. Thus it's a place of empowerment. Indirectly, they allow crews to meet regularly and keep in touch. Particular projects require the consent of all pirates, and the labs are also the place of conception and gestation of the general assemblies.

The general assemblies

(AG, GA, AV): The GA is a sovereign entity of pirates. Only the GA can make official decisions, especially when it's about new expenses. According to the statutes, decisions are made by majority vote. Because the vote is a "loser generator", numerous pirates are demanding for other ways of voting, like consensus (= the lifting of objections)... against which others are ferociously opposed. The discussion is still open and experiments are still being carried out. There is a minimum of one GA per year, usually there are 2 or 3, with a changing location. A GA typically lasts a day and the meal is in the form of a potluck... for those who think about bringing something (and as a snack in town for others). The GA is grueling, so please bring chocolate.

The Pirate Tools

First some rules

  • Handshake, by David.svg Assume good faith : The pirate has to (try to) suppose that everybody has good intentions and good reasons to do what he/she does. Pirates have to have trust. It's not easy, but it is essential... and that can be learned (yes, yes, really).
  • Community Preparedness icon - Noun Project 8678.svgThe 3 Pirates rule : It's the golden rule : Any initiative can be launched by any pirate, provided that
    • he/she finds two other pirates to go along with him/her
    • it is not illegal
    • it doesn't harm the party's image
    • and it doesn't need any money from the chest (but a request can be filed !).

The goal of this rule is to support taking initiative and autonomy, and is based on mutual trust. Consequently, everyone can start a crew! Another essential consequence to take in is that you « have to do it yourself instead of moaning » (respecting the rules above, and to let us know what you are doing and how !).

The online tools

  • Showcase. The showcase of the party is our website. It is powered by personal contributions, and because it needs to be in different languages, the translation work is everlasting. As for internal communication, this happens elsewhere :
  • Documentation. Explain who does what, how, when is essential for the working of a horizontal structure. Our platform for announcing and organizing the crews, squads and GA is a wiki. Working on the wiki is very simple... as soon as we stop supposing that it's not. And if you don't dare to dive into the deep end, there are always experienced swimmers close by, so give us a shout.
  • Elaboration. Editing a text online, accessible to all and editable in real-time : that's the pad. Each of the contributors is identified by a certain text color, all writing together, chatting in the chat window... and when the work is complete, it's exported in the wiki or to another, more stable format.
  • Discussion. Proposing ideas and discuss them, that's what is going on in the labs and the GA, but also between those two moments, online, on loomio.
  • Informal online meetings. There is a closed Facebook group: Belgian Pirates United. Here we post and share anything we want. There are no restrictions, and the group is not moderated. Interesting articles are often shared, questions asked and comments or reminders given, as well as occasional polls, etc. But sometimes the group is also used to vent frustrations, which unfortunately can lead to a snowball effect of incomprehension and additional frustrations. In those moments, it is better to let a message settle for at least an hour before posting it (which is good advice for anywhere). For many, this group is the first point of contact with the pirates. So it's important to understand that the pirates are much more than this group (certain pirates don't even have a Facebook account, and so are not members of the group). Facebook is just not the tool to really get things done, that's why we also have created other tools, like Loomio, the pirate labs and the squads.

Do you have another tool to recommend? A little advice: first talk it over with the people around you (Acute Toolage has created havoc in recent years), and make sure the tool is open source.

The hand signals

The hand signals used by Occupy and Indignados have dig a little hole here. They permit expression (asking to speak, signalling agreement or disagreement, asking for the right to respond, ...) without interrupting the person speaking.

Chinese pirate proverbs

  • Turn your message around for 7 times inside your head before posting it.
  • You don't take the word, you receive it.
  • When you see an action you don't like, react with an action you do like.

Small Vocabulary

  • Liquid democracy : Liquid democracy is a form of decision making which is very popular among pirates, first brought on the scene by German pirates and their tool, liquidfeedback. Around here it has its fans and its critics. Fans like it because it allows to institute a direct democracy via the internet (with free delegation of one's voice). Critics dislike it doesn't stimulate the debate.
  • UBI : These are the initials of the term Universal Basic Income. The Grail for pirates who work full-time and don't have nearly enough time or energy to invest in their social and political life...
  • Falkvinge : Rick is one of the founders of the pirate party in Sweden, and has become an evangelist. His holy scriptures are his blog, his « pirate wheel » and his book « Swarmwise ».
  • MEP : Member of the European Parliament. The pirates counted Christian Engstrom and Amelia Andersdotter in the previous legislature, and now Julia Reda.
  • Coreteam : The coordinating organ of the Belgian pirate party. Coordinating the pirates is an ungrateful and very risky task. At present, the autopilot is provided by the treasurers and the Pirates Labs.