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== How? ==
== How? ==
Issus de l'aide en ligne de Loomio<ref>https://loomio.gitbooks.io/manual/content/en/</ref>
Loomio's online tools<ref>https://loomio.gitbooks.io/manual/content/en/</ref>
* '''Démarrez un groupe''' pour collaborer avec des gens sur Loomio.
* '''Start a group''' to collaborate with people on Loomio.
* '''Invitez des gens''' à rejoindre votre groupe.
* '''Invite people''' to join your group.
* '''Démarrez une discussion''' sur un thème.
* '''Start a discussion''' on a topic.
* '''Faite une proposition''' pour voir comment chaque membre se sens par rapport à elle.
* '''Create a proposal''' to see how each member feels about it.
* '''Décidez ensemble''' chacun-e peut accepter, s'abstenir, refuser ou bloquer - ce qui vous permets de collecter des avis.
* '''Decide together''' - everyone can accept, abstain, refuse of block. This allows you to gather opinions.
== Travail en cours ==
== Work in progress ==
Les meilleures utilisations d'un outil, qu'il soit en ligne ou non, sont tirées des expériences individuelles et collectives.
The best use of a tool, online or offline, is drawn from individual and collective experience.
En plus de l'[https://www.loomio.org/g/w9m0yGeJ/pirates-be-permanent-assembly Assemblée Permanente] il y a d'autres travaux en cours sur Loomio pour découvrir, mettre au point et améliorer l'utilisation de Loomio.
Besides the [https://www.loomio.org/g/w9m0yGeJ/pirates-be-permanent-assembly Permanent Assembly] there are other works in progress on Loomio to discover, complete and improve the use of Loomio.
* [https://www.loomio.org/g/gI064Wpw/crew-de-li-ge Crew de Liège]
* [https://www.loomio.org/g/gI064Wpw/crew-de-li-ge Crew of Liège]
* [https://www.loomio.org/g/XdDUxQf0/equipage-bw-sympathisants Crew BW] dont ce ''sous-groupe'' [https://www.loomio.org/g/NG7yndW6/equipage-bw-sympathisants-m-ta dédié à l'utilisation de Loomio].
* [https://www.loomio.org/g/XdDUxQf0/equipage-bw-sympathisants Crew BW] who have a ''subgroup'' [https://www.loomio.org/g/NG7yndW6/equipage-bw-sympathisants-m-ta dedicated to the use of Loomio].
== Holacracy avec Loomio ==
== Holacracy with Loomio ==
Copié et traduit à partir de ''Taking Holacracy Governance to the Next Level''<ref>https://blog.loomio.org/2016/07/12/taking-holacracy-governance-to-the-next-level/</ref>
Copied and translated from ''Taking Holacracy Governance to the Next Level''<ref>https://blog.loomio.org/2016/07/12/taking-holacracy-governance-to-the-next-level/</ref>
=== Mettre le processus en route ===
=== Getting the process started ===
; En holacratie
; In holacracy
: Organiser des réunion de gouvernance régulière.
: Regularly organizing governance meetings.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: Créer et utiliser un ''sous-groupe'' de gouvernance.
: Create and use a governance ''subgroup''.
Si le groupe suit la [https://github.com/holacracyone/Holacracy-Constitution-4.1-FRENCH Constitution de Holacracy], un médiateur (facilitateur) devrait être désigné. Le groupe pourrait préférer tenir ce rôle collectivement ou laisser la ''personne qui propose'' endosser ce rôle. Ce protocole pourrait être indiqué dans la ''description du groupe'' sur Loomio.
If the group follows the [https://github.com/holacracyone/Holacracy-Constitution Constitution of Holacracy], a mediator (facilitator) has to be appointed. The group could decide to perform that role collectively or let the ''proposer'' take up that role. This protocol can be indicated in the ''group description'' on Loomio.
=== Nommer les tensions ===
=== Naming the tensions ===
{{smaller|je ne suis pas certain que «tension» soit une bonne traduction?}}
{{smaller|je ne suis pas certain que «tension» soit une bonne traduction?}}
; En holacratie
; In holacracy
: Un animateur décrit une tension ''(problème, amélioration, changement de système)''. La personne qui ''propose'' peut demander une discussion dans le but d'atteindre une ''proposition''.
; A host describes a tension ''(problem, improvement, systemic change)''. The person who ''makes the proposal'' can ask for a discussion in order to reach a ''proposal''.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: Démarrer un nouveau ''fil de discussion'' dans un ''groupe'' approprié. Choisir un ''titre'', expliquer le ''contexte'' de la ''tension''.
: Starting a new ''discussion thread'' in a suitable ''group''. Choosing a ''title'', describe the ''context'' of the ''tension''.
=== Clarifier les questions ===
=== Clarifying the questions ===
; En holacratie
; In holacracy
: Qui que ce soit peut poser des questions pour aider à mieux comprendre la ''proposition''. La personne qui ''propose'' peut répondre ou dire signaler qu'ell n'a pas de réponse.
: Anybody can ask questions so to help a better understanding of a ''proposal''. The person who ''makes the proposal'' can answer or indicate that she does not have an answer.
Il ''n'est pas autorisé'' d'exploiter les questions de clarification pour donner une opinion. Les opinions, suggestions, réactions, devraient toutes être réservées pour le tour de [[#Réactions]]. Le médiateur (facilitateur) coupera n'importe quelle question qui transmet un avis ou n'est pas propice à une meilleure compréhension la ''proposition''.
It's ''not allowed'' to abuse the clarifying questions for giving a personal opinion. The opinions, suggestions, reactions must be reserved for the [[#Reactions]] round. The mediator (facilitator) will remove any question that holds an opinion or that doesn't help to reach a better understanding of the ''proposal''.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: Les ''membres'' du ''groupe'' reçoivent une notification (par mail) concernant la nouvelle ''discussion'' et peuvent soumettre leurs ''questions'' en tant que ''commentaires''. La personne qui ''propose'' peut répondre (avec le bouton ''répondre'').
: The ''members'' of the ''group'' receive a notification (by email) about the new ''discussion''and can send in their ''questions'' as well as their ''comments''. The person who ''makes the proposal'' can reply (using the ''reply'' button).
=== Proposition ===
=== Proposal ===
; En holacratie
; In holacracy
: La personne qui ''propose'' émet une ''proposition'' pour faire part des ''tensions'' telles qu'il ou elle les ressent.
: The person who ''proposes'' submits a ''proposal'' to take away the ''tensions'' he or she encounters.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: La personne qui ''propose'' démarre une ''proposition''. Cela peut se faire d'emblée après avoir créé une nouvelle ''discussion'' (avec un ''titre'' et un ''contexte'') ou plus tard en préférant laisser place à des ''questions'' et des ''réponses''. La personne qui émet une ''proposition'' choisi le délais avant sa clôture (par défaut 3 jours).
: The person who ''proposes'' starts a ''proposal''. This can be done immediately after creating a new ''discussion'' (with a ''title'' and a ''context''), or this can be done later so to leave time for ''questions'' and ''answers''. The person who submits a ''proposal'' chooses the delay before closing (the default is 3 days).
=== Réactions ===
=== Reactions ===
; En holacracie
; In holacracy
: Un à la fois, chaque personne réagit à la ''proposition'' comme bon lui semble. Aucune réponse ou interruption n'est permise tant qu'une réaction est en cours. N'importe quel genre de réaction est bienvenu, des critiques intellectuelles aux explosions émotionnelles. La seule recommandation est que les réactions ne devraient pas viser quelqu'un en particulier.Tout le monde à le droit de réagir sauf la personne qui émet la proposition.
: On at a time each person reacts to a ''proposal'' as he or she sees fit. No response or interruption is allowed while a reaction is ongoing. All kinds of reaction are welcome, ranging from intellectual critiques to emotional outbursts. The only recommendation is that reactions cannot focus on one person in particular. Everybody has the right to react except for the person who submits the proposal.
: Les ''réactions'' sont l'unique moment de la ''réunion de gouvernance'' durant lequel chaque personne peut s'exprimer librement. C'est une phase parfaite pour fournir des perspectives différentes et suggérer des améliorations à la ''proposition'', pour que la personne qui propose puisse intégrer ces changements si il ou elle les apprécie.
: The ''reactions''are the ideal moment in the ''governance meeting'' for a person to express himself or herself freely. It's a perfect phase to furnish different perspectives and to suggest improvements to the ''proposal'' so that the person who makes the proposal can integrate these changes, if he or she wishes to do so.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: Une ''proposition'' invite automatiquement chaque membre a exprimer leur position (accepter, s'abstenir, refuser, bloquer), accompagner d'une courte déclaration (250 caractères) sur leur réaction. Cette étape incorpore le ''tour d'objection'' en holacracie - cf. ci-dessous).  La personne que démarre une ''proposition'' assigne une date de clôture, et le système notifie les membres à l'approche du terme.
: A ''proposal'' automatically invites each member to express their position (accept, abstain, refuse, block), together with a short declaration (250 characters) about their reaction. This stage incorporates the ''objection round'' in holacracy. The person who starts up a ''proposal'' assigns a closing date, and the system notifies the members when that date approaches.
: Les participants sur Loomio peuvent modifier leur position au fil de la lecture des questions / réponses. Le système enregistre l'historique de chaque changement et conserve l'état actuel des positions.
: The participants on Loomio can alter their position in the thread of questions / answers. The system registers the history of all changes and saves the actual state of responses.
=== Modifier et clarifier ===
=== Modify and clarify ===
; En holacracie
; In holacracy
: Après que toutes les réactions soient terminées, la personne qui propose peut facultativement clarifier sa proposition, ou la modifier sur base des réactions obtenues. Elle seule s'exprime, aucune discussion n'est autorisée.
: After all reactions are finished, the person who proposes can optionally clarify his proposal, or can make changes based on the reactions received. He/she alone can do this, no discussion is allowed.
: Bien que la personne qui propose puisse modifier autant qu'elle le souhaite la ''proposition'', le but reste de trouver une meilleure façon d'aborder la tension. Ce n'est pas à elle a résoudre ''toutes'' les préoccupations et les réactions entendues pendant le tour de réactions, ni même à inclure ''toutes'' les améliorations qui ont été suggérées par d'autres participants.
: Although the person who proposes can modify the ''proposal'' how he/she wishes, the goal is to find the best way to relieve the tension. It's not up to him/her to resolve ''all'' the concerns and the reactions received during the reaction round. He/she is not forced to include ''all'' improvements suggested by other participants.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: Loomio récapitule toutes les positions visuellement, avec un résumé des déclarations succinctes accompagnant les réactions (vote) et une liste de questions posées et de leur réponses. La personne qui propose à la possibilité de les prendre en considération.
: Loomio summarizes all positions visually, with a list of condensed declarations following the reactions (votes) and a list of asked questions and their answers. The person who proposes has the option to take these under consideration.
: La personne qui propose affiche une ''Déclaration de Résultat'', qui est automatiquement envoyée à tous les participants. Cela peut indiquer que la proposition est acceptée avec la décision qui en résulte, ou qu'elle n'est pas acceptée et que la discussion est abandonnée, ou qu'une nouvelle proposition sera soumise prochainement.
: The person who proposes posts a ''Declaration of Result'' which is automatically send to all participants. This declaration indicates whether a proposal is accepted and the decision that follows, or that is hasn't been accepted and the discussion is abandoned, or that a new proposal shall be submitted.
=== Tour d'objection ===
=== Objection Round ===
; En holacratie
; In holacracy
: Un à la fois, le médiateur (facilitateur) demande à chaque participant s'ils ont une Objection, en somme, s'ils voient ''«une raison pour laquelle adoptant cette proposition ferait du tort ou déplaceraient le Cercle en arrière»''. La ''personne qui propose'' obtient aussi l'occasion de soulever une objection. S'il n'y a aucune objection, la proposition est adoptée.
: One at a time, the mediator (facilitator) asks each participant if he/she has an Objection, in short, if they see ''«a reason why this proposal is wrong or would move the Circle back»''. The ''person who proposes'' also has an opportunity to raise an objection. If there is no objection, the proposal is adopted.
: S'il y a une ''objection'', le médiateur (facilitateur) déplace la discussion vers une ''Étape d'Intégration'', qui fournit l'occasion de discuter l'objection, de la comprendre entièrement et d'en extraire sa validité.
: If there is an ''objection'', the mediator (facilitator) moves the discussion to a ''Step of integration'' which gives the opportunity to discuss the objection, to understand it fully and to extract its validity.
; Sur Loomio
; On Loomio
: Le ''tour d'objection'' est construit par les Réactions (quand le participant expriment leur position), parce qu'une option des quatre options à disposition est de ''Bloquer''.
: The ''objection round'' is built up from the Reactions (in which the participant expresses his/her position), because one of the four possible options is to ''Block''.
La fonction de ''bloquer'' de Loomio et ''l'objection'' dans l'holacracie viennent de la même tradition de prise de décisions à base de consensus et elles ont le même but. Si une proposition est bloquée, il ne passera pas.
The use of the ''block'' in Loomio and the ''objection'' come from the same tradition of decision-making based on consensus and both have the same goal. If a proposition is blocked, it will not pass.
== Références ==
== References ==

Latest revision as of 23:26, 24 January 2018

Other languages:
English • ‎Nederlands • ‎français

Discussions are held[1] on how to invite people usin Facebook to join Loomio. Itś a start.

One of the current discussions[2] is about the use of Loomio.


If you want to know more about Loomio, there's a wikipedia entry, a YouTube presentation video, or jump into the deep end and join our Permanent Assembly.


Loomio's online tools[3]

  • Start a group to collaborate with people on Loomio.
  • Invite people to join your group.
  • Start a discussion on a topic.
  • Create a proposal to see how each member feels about it.
  • Decide together - everyone can accept, abstain, refuse of block. This allows you to gather opinions.

Work in progress

The best use of a tool, online or offline, is drawn from individual and collective experience.

Besides the Permanent Assembly there are other works in progress on Loomio to discover, complete and improve the use of Loomio.

Holacracy with Loomio

Copied and translated from Taking Holacracy Governance to the Next Level[4]

Getting the process started

In holacracy
Regularly organizing governance meetings.
On Loomio
Create and use a governance subgroup.

If the group follows the Constitution of Holacracy, a mediator (facilitator) has to be appointed. The group could decide to perform that role collectively or let the proposer take up that role. This protocol can be indicated in the group description on Loomio.

Naming the tensions

je ne suis pas certain que «tension» soit une bonne traduction?

In holacracy
A host describes a tension (problem, improvement, systemic change). The person who makes the proposal can ask for a discussion in order to reach a proposal.
On Loomio
Starting a new discussion thread in a suitable group. Choosing a title, describe the context of the tension.

Clarifying the questions

In holacracy
Anybody can ask questions so to help a better understanding of a proposal. The person who makes the proposal can answer or indicate that she does not have an answer.

It's not allowed to abuse the clarifying questions for giving a personal opinion. The opinions, suggestions, reactions must be reserved for the #Reactions round. The mediator (facilitator) will remove any question that holds an opinion or that doesn't help to reach a better understanding of the proposal.

On Loomio
The members of the group receive a notification (by email) about the new discussionand can send in their questions as well as their comments. The person who makes the proposal can reply (using the reply button).


In holacracy
The person who proposes submits a proposal to take away the tensions he or she encounters.
On Loomio
The person who proposes starts a proposal. This can be done immediately after creating a new discussion (with a title and a context), or this can be done later so to leave time for questions and answers. The person who submits a proposal chooses the delay before closing (the default is 3 days).


In holacracy
On at a time each person reacts to a proposal as he or she sees fit. No response or interruption is allowed while a reaction is ongoing. All kinds of reaction are welcome, ranging from intellectual critiques to emotional outbursts. The only recommendation is that reactions cannot focus on one person in particular. Everybody has the right to react except for the person who submits the proposal.
The reactionsare the ideal moment in the governance meeting for a person to express himself or herself freely. It's a perfect phase to furnish different perspectives and to suggest improvements to the proposal so that the person who makes the proposal can integrate these changes, if he or she wishes to do so.
On Loomio
A proposal automatically invites each member to express their position (accept, abstain, refuse, block), together with a short declaration (250 characters) about their reaction. This stage incorporates the objection round in holacracy. The person who starts up a proposal assigns a closing date, and the system notifies the members when that date approaches.
The participants on Loomio can alter their position in the thread of questions / answers. The system registers the history of all changes and saves the actual state of responses.

Modify and clarify

In holacracy
After all reactions are finished, the person who proposes can optionally clarify his proposal, or can make changes based on the reactions received. He/she alone can do this, no discussion is allowed.
Although the person who proposes can modify the proposal how he/she wishes, the goal is to find the best way to relieve the tension. It's not up to him/her to resolve all the concerns and the reactions received during the reaction round. He/she is not forced to include all improvements suggested by other participants.
On Loomio
Loomio summarizes all positions visually, with a list of condensed declarations following the reactions (votes) and a list of asked questions and their answers. The person who proposes has the option to take these under consideration.
The person who proposes posts a Declaration of Result which is automatically send to all participants. This declaration indicates whether a proposal is accepted and the decision that follows, or that is hasn't been accepted and the discussion is abandoned, or that a new proposal shall be submitted.

Objection Round

In holacracy
One at a time, the mediator (facilitator) asks each participant if he/she has an Objection, in short, if they see «a reason why this proposal is wrong or would move the Circle back». The person who proposes also has an opportunity to raise an objection. If there is no objection, the proposal is adopted.
If there is an objection, the mediator (facilitator) moves the discussion to a Step of integration which gives the opportunity to discuss the objection, to understand it fully and to extract its validity.
On Loomio
The objection round is built up from the Reactions (in which the participant expresses his/her position), because one of the four possible options is to Block.

The use of the block in Loomio and the objection come from the same tradition of decision-making based on consensus and both have the same goal. If a proposition is blocked, it will not pass.
