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Email notifications: weird behavior?

Valerie (talkcontribs)

Looks like I am not receiving any notification from the wiki when a page gets modified. Any idea what that can be?

HgO (talkcontribs)

First, for the Flow's notifications, you must change the notification behaviour in your preferences ;) It works for me, and I can even see the content of the messages in the mail :D

For the weird behaviour of the pages, when a page gets modified and you don't go on the page, you won't receive any mail notifications until you visit the page again.

As said on each notification mail:

There will be no other notifications in case of further activity unless you visit this page while logged in. You could also reset the notification flags for all your watched pages on your watchlist.
HgO (talkcontribs)

Ah, also check at the bottom of your preferences that "E-mail me when a page or a file of my watchlist is changed" is enabled !

ZeFredz (talkcontribs)

I'm not sure to understand this behaviour for the page change notifications.

Does that mean that if you don't read one notification and/or don't go to the page for a reason or another you won't receive any future notification for this page ?

If the answer is yes, what's the purpose of email notifications if you have to go back on a page while logged in to continue to get them ?

That's a bit strange for me :/

Is it a configurable behaviour ?

HgO (talkcontribs)

There is a discussion there on mediawiki, and there is a task pending since 2011 here...

I agree that this behaviour is absurd ^^' but apparently MediaWiki devs don't seem to be in a hurry for fixing this :(

Edit: To answer your question : No, it isn't configurable as far as I know...

Vanecx (talkcontribs)

I don't think it's absurd. If HgO edits a page, Valérie doesn't know what exactly has changed until she visits the page (unless the edit is very well detailed but this never happens). So when she receives an email, all it says is "The page has been changed". If she doesn't go to see the page, it's useless to send her other emails saying the exact same thing, it's just redundant. Valérie will see the changes once she logs in anyway, and if she sees only 1 change or 10 changes, it makes no difference.

ZeFredz (talkcontribs)

If I understand the message well, the issue is that if I don't want to read a notification and check the changes one time because, for example, I don't have the time to this time, I will not receive any further notification for that page even if someone else has modified it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but this could explain why I didn't received notifications for some changes on certain pages in a while...

So this behaviour is probably OK if you are a hardcore wiki editor who verifies any change and/or never delete a modification notification from his/her mailbox... but I'm afraid I'm not one of those guys/gals ;)

HgO (talkcontribs)

Just to say that I agree with what Fred said :D This should be at least an user option...