Apartment Gardening

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Apartment Gardening Toicon-icon-avocado-read.svg
Parents Sustainability


This topic is about growing vegetables in apartments.


  • Meeting in Louvain-la-Neuve on Saturday 14/09 4pm @ Dégustation de bon sens, place de l'université
  • Hop on to Valeriane in Namur (September 6, 7, and 8), to find some seeds and get in touch with other gardeners. Quelques ateliers épinglés, entre autres : Atelier graines germées et jeunes pousses (vendredi), Une Maison de la Semence Citoyenne chez Nature & Progrès, pourquoi ?, Les incroyables comestibles (dimanche)
  • Contact meeting in Gembloux, 13/08 at 19h in French Inn.


Existing networks

Indoor gardening

Hydroponics and window farms

Growing mushrooms

Some resources about growing mushrooms with coffee grounds:

Container gardening

Other DIY indoor gardening solutions

Related subjects

Food and vegetables storage

Urban gardening

Guerrilla gardening

Beyond your apartment : growing vegetables in your city and reclaiming the public space with gardening