Pirate Assembly Spring 2015/Feedback FollowUp

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Feedback and follow up for the Sping 2015 GA


Direct link to the pad


Mons 2015

There are still 5 workshops to organize. If pirates want to do it, please contact Crew La-Louvière.

Common declaration & Pirate Labs Reboot

The text of the Common declaration can be read on the website : [http://pirateparty.be/crew-message-general-assembly-28th-march-2015 Crew Message for the General Assembly - 28th of March 2015] The pirate labs proposal slides of Damiens are here

To make it real, Damiens and Sarah are rebooting the Pirate Labs. The goal is to have one of them every month.

The first one is planned to be on April 25th. More details coming soon.

Creation of the VZW/ASBL

A group of Pirates will work on it. The list will be sent to contact at pirateparty.

Operational Squads and Coreteam members

Please check that those lists are OK since there was no time for candidates presentation at the GA !

Community Squad

  • Noémi
  • Kjell
  • Thomas
  • Kash
  • Renaud
  • Vincent L
  • Jonas DK
  • Danny
  • Xavier

IT Squad

  • David
  • Gilles
  • Greg
  • Thomas
  • Fred P.
  • Kjell

GA Squad

  • Nobody!

Fred M. and Valerie could come back in the squad but need a break first.

Wiki Squad

Slides of reporting

  • HgO (Hadrien)
  • Vincent
  • Fred M
  • Manu

Press Squad

There is no actual squad work at the moment.

  • Sarah
  • Thomas
  • Mario


[ Slides of reporting coming soon]

  • Stef
  • Patrick


  • Kash
  • Vincent L.
  • Stef
  • Patrick


Direct link to the pad

Next GA

The next GA is planned to be organized in La Louvière in september or october 2015. The date will be set as soon as possible.