Crew Brussels/Meeting/26 06 2012
2012-06-26 meeting / Réunion / Vergadering
admin info
Location : Line' place start - end: 20:00 - 22:30
- Abdelkrim
- Mab matthias (accredited assistant)
- Line
- Delphine
- Valeria Co-locataire
- Pascal
- Marouan
- Muriel
- Mael burnet
Round table
Each person presented him/herself
Blog for Brussels
Line has called jonas to setup the blog action: Line: to call jonas and know the status of the blog creation
- each member of the brussels crew should Write post from time to time (express what you believe in in the blog)
- Matthias is not interested to present himself
- Sabine won't present herself
- Hakim, toon, abdelkrim, line might present themselves
elections - Methods
Hakim: I believe we should present (advertise) the ideas more than the people
Flyer made by marouan
info: the mention to Jurgen habermas might not be necessarily easy to understand by a wide audience Action: is there any action related to this?
Elections - Signature
- Matthias owns the pdf to be used to collect the signatures. Action: to send the documrnt to the crew for them to collect
HIGH: Mael: hard to motivate people to collect the signatures; at the current rythme we won't get the relevant signatures in any commune!
Action: at every meeting we need to share the papers with signatures in NL and FR
Issue: Too difficult to print the logo; how to address the issue? <action>
Mael: inform people for the event
Mael: Jonas should create a mailing list for brussels (by when?)
Pascal: to organise a group who will brainstorm and share the ideas to the local teams. A crew would brainstorm and share the ideas' this might avoid each crew diverisfy. Line: we plan to organise a big debate during which we will present the crew
Muriel: we organise 22 sept a day with the press including press kit: all crews need to be there Pascal:
Metadata' tolerance, security, centralisation, social opponent, criminality Info media and publicity Living, homeless, fair market to get houses, public toilets and showers European capital, Ecology, support local economy,
Mab: topic base meetings, we only talk about this topic including a moderator who will kill discussioin not related to the topic Info: mab will dupport those kind of meetings. Then we can study ex-post results and do it again if results are good
Brainstorming meeting:
Need: a place for how many peolple 10 places
Office Rue gerard 47a, 1040 etterbeek (merode)
In 10 days monday or tuesday
Meeting table holds 16 seats
Action: line to send a email to mab with schedule