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20 June : Building the networked city from the ground up with citizens – Interview with Francesca Bria

  • OuiShare

20 février : R&C04 – Remunicipalisation of energy systems – Part 2

  • Energycommonsblog

30 janvier : R&C04 - Remunicipalisation of energy systems – Part 1

  • Energycommonsblog


21 December : This is how people power wins an election: the story of Ahora Madrid


20 December : Common space for exchange: cities in transition and citizen struggles


15 November : “Cities will be a powerful antidote to Donald Trump”: Social scientist Benjamin Barber on the emergence of a new urban radicalism

  • Quartz

4 October : Forget the nation-state: cities will transform the way we conduct foreign affairs

  • WeForum

24 September : Barcelona en Comú’s Guide to Urban Revolution Stresses Shared Priorities over Party Politics

  • P2PFoundation

9 September : Mayors from 70 global cities are gathering to try to solve the world’s problems

  • Quartz


30 October : Cities, Inequality and the Common Good

  • Huffington Post

27 May : Beyond Ada Colau: the common people of Barcelona en Comú
