Crew Gent/Meeting/31 01 2012
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- Bespreking verslag national council
- Idee: tegenstemmen
- Gent manifesto night
- Aktie Gent Light Festival
- Review last meeting notes
Bespreking verslag national council
Reporting on meeting nat. council: Coreteam/Meeting29012012
Note: on putting link to where to find anonymous masks:
- We should not mention them on the pp site because
- mentioning them = linking, associating
- saying we are not anonymous = form of communication against anon...
Decided: we don't want to put this on the site..
Idee: tegenstem systeem
- bij verkiezingen per persoon kunnen
- voor stemmen
- tegen stemmen
- of onthouden
ipv alleen voor stemmen;
om extreme meningen e.g. racisme er uit te filteren;
proven effective on e.g. youtube, reddit en andere voting systems
- opmerkingen
- complexiteit zo laag mogelijk te houden bij verkiezingen?
- is het de kost waard?
Gent manifesto night
- turn out was a bit fail
- postponed for now
- copy paste from other pirate parties and work from that (we are all about copying...)
- first proposal by a crewmember becomes ghent-manifesto-v0.0.01-snapshot-alpha
Aktie Gent Light Festival
- great success!
- pictures on facebook
Review last meeting notes
We are doing this because Mike's mum made us.
- contact bxl has been made
- manifesto night was not a success