Topic on Talk:WikiSquad

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Thanks for your remarks !

So, hmm I do think there is a lack of structure, and we agreed on this in a past meeting (I think we said that at the end of the last wiki workshop actually). Maybe "highlight and track" weren't the right words, but yes right now it's very difficult to find who decided what, and when...

However! I totally agree that we lack of contributors and even users (although those are more hidden, as they leave no trace on the wiki), and that this is probably more important than having a perfect structure. And yes, the current structure is already nice, I tend to forget that ^_^

Moreover!! We could make this meeting more informal by playing at the new cowob from Vincent : (yes yes, he said he would pay me if I would make some advertisement for his website :p)

Finally, I agree with Valerie (who replied by mail): we must still find ways to promote the PirateSidebar and its map feature.

Conclusion: Let's do a "workshop for newcomers" ! :D Let's make it fun and entertaining ! Let's make the wiki great again \o/ (I'll just be leaving, now)