Topic on Talk:WikiSquad

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Yesterday with Jean-François, we thought that it would be nice to organize a wiki workshop in February to work on the structure of the wiki.

For instance, we could try to find ways to track and highlight decisions. I'm thinking of the decisions related to the calendar : we should easily find an history of the decisions related to a given topic, etc. I'm not saying that would be easy, but we could give it a try maybe ?

Meanwhile, we could also work on the wiki in general (there are still a lot of things to do). For instance, improve the intro text of the calendar page, the content of the different topic pages, the wiki guide, etc.

Finally, I'd like this workshop to be open to newcomers as well, to help them to contribute to the wiki. Although, last time there were not much newcomers...

I've created a framadate : I propose to do the workshop on 10 or 11 February, but I added the next week-end just in case.