ITSquad/Event/19 08 2018/1 ITSquad/Event/19 08 2018/1

From Pirate Party Belgium
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neutrinet install party Toicon-icon-avocado-schedule.svg
Date Sun 19 August 2018
Time 2:00pm
Venue the hacklab
Avenue Princesse Elisabeth 46
1030 Schaerbeek
Price Free
Website [1]
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DISCLAIMER: The Neutrinet association is in no way related to the Pirate-Party, but we do support the association's activities and the ideas it stands for.


The purpose of the Neutrinet association is to maintain, develop and promote the use of information exchange networks, while respecting the principle of network neutrality and defending fundamental rights, including the rights to free expression, access to information and respect for privacy, with the objectives of human development and the empowerment of network users.

This meeting is an install party for internet cubes and open to everybody, bring your laptops, cubes... More information about the internetcube at the project 's website

How to get an Internet Cube?

Bulk orders are made by local associations, in the case of Belgium this is Neutrinet.

Generally, the associations offer to provide you a plug-n-play Cube, fully assembled, installed and configured with VPN access: you will only have to unpack it, and plug in it at home to take advantage of your new clean internet access, without doing anything else (and then install self-hosting web services, if you feel like it, in a few clicks via the administration interface).