Free Software/Event/02 07 2019/1 Free Software/Event/02 07 2019/1

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OpenStreetMap meeting in Brussels Toicon-icon-avocado-schedule.svg
Date Tue 2 July 2019
Time 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Venue De Markten Cafe
Rue du vieux marché aux grains 5
1000 Brussels
Price Free
Website [1]
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Topics Free Software
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ATTENTION: Cet évènement et l'organisation derrière cet évènement sont sans aucun lien avec le Parti Pirate de Belgique. Nous partageons cet évènement parce que nous soutenons les valeurs et les idées qu'il représente.


Let's build a community with everybody interested in OpenStreetMap!

The target audience is everybody! From hearing the word OpenStreetMap a few seconds ago to the total expert in no time. There will be someone you can discuss and have a drink with we’re an interational community speaking English, Dutch, French so come join us!

We are finally launching the GRB buildings import in Flanders, so drop in if you want to learn how you can help. But you're welcome to discuss/present/share anything you like.