European election/Meeting/27 02 2019 European election/Meeting/27 02 2019

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Gathering to discuss the 2019 European election in Belgium Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Date Wed 27 February 2019
Time 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue De Kleine Hedonist
Sint-Jacobsmarkt 34
2000 Antwerpen
Topics European election
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On 9th February me and 2 other Belgian pirates we were at the PPEU Congress in Luxembourg. Many European Pirate Parties signed the Common European Election Programme (CEEP). PPBE has not decided yet to run for the elections to the European Parliament (EP).


Gathering starts at 7 pm. For those who want to dinner together before the lab, they can coordinate on the following pad:


  • Shall we collect the necessary 5000 signatures?
  • Shall we sign the CEEP?
  • Who is interested on being in the list?
  • How to run the campaign?


The report will be provided at the end of the meeting.