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A basic income will change the economy that much that we can not predict what is going to happen. As such, it is a revolution with unpredictable results: if too many people go into unemployment, how will we fix this?


  • A basic income does not necessarily change that much as a lot of people are also happy in what they do and will not change (immediately).
  • In our social system these days, there is a lot that works quite similar to a basic income:
    • Money you get for your children (kindergeld) is like a basic income for the child.
    • Pensions have a fixed part
  • A basic income has more interesting parameters to play with than the current blocked situation
    • You can change the height of the basic income itself. It is advisable however to put a minimum, which can be used as an extra guarantee for a loan with the bank.
    • You can change the incentive for working. (lower the taxes for a certain category of incomes our lowering the taxes when you work more than a certain amount)