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Ideas for an internal campaign newsletter



The newsletter will be published each week, one day before the "day where pirate are the most active on Internet". As we probably are most active on Friday (do not hesitate to propose something else), the newsletter will be issued on Thursday.

To who ?

The newsletter is issued to crew captain in order to avoid spam to everyone. The captains are responsible to share the information with other crew member according to their local contexts (freedom and autonomy for each crew). However, the newsletters will be available on the wiki. A first mail might be sent (to confirm if useful) to any pirates to inform that a weekly newsletter will be sent and available on the wiki.

Who ?

Newsletter written by the Campaign Team responsible. Not yet defined.


The content will be different each week in order to stay each time interesting. It will be based on the same structure in order to easy the reading from one week to another. A "newsletter" wiki page will be available to all in order to consult all the newsletter content (for historical purpose and transparency purpose).

The contents of the newsletter will be short, simple and clear in order to

  • keep the interest of the captains
  • bring a useful information, easy to understand and not a full detailed and unreadable list of thoughts
  • focus to the point - a captain's constraint is the time ! Let's offer him a pre-digested information to gain time.

1) Campaign News

Here, the crews will receive news about the Pirate 2012 campaign : status of existing or new lists, publishing of new official document (like the one for the signatures...), links to press articles about us, etc.

2) Best practices

Here, the crews will receive ideas and best practices to communicate "chic et pas cher". Simple, cheap, efficient. For example : use free business cards, rename home wifi networks (in "VotePirate", Core team has received stickers, etc. This also the place to share template for flyers, letters, motto, etc. All this matter (including the past newsletter) will be available on a specific page on the wiki. Link to be provided each week.

This section will end with a call to best practices (to feed the newsletter of the next week). If no new idea comes from the crew the Campaign team will still find new ones !

The content must be new every week (yes, this is a challenge).

3) Call to the Pirate Network

Here, the crews will find a call to them to spread some information. For example :

  • A hashtag has to be spread on twitter for a specific event
  • The campaogn squad give the Communication Plan (for the week after the newsletter) in order to allow pirates to be responding to the press releasing (and share it across all social media)
  • Call for specific help (need for a traduction, a design work for a poster, etc...)

4) Legal notice

Here the crews will find a legal notice to help them staying on the right side of the law... For example : - no goodies distribution - remind to keep all expenses (which are part of the electoral campaign) - how to get signature (short and efficient explanation with a direct link to the document)

All this matter (including the past newsletter) will be available on a specific page on the wiki. Link to be provided each week.

No need to long text which no one will read ! Or worse, a link to the legal text ! Right to the point. This part has to be worked by the campaign team in order to allow efficient reading from the captains. One person must digest the information and give back a simple explanation for the others.

5) News in brief

Here the crews will find (in very short) other useful (or less useful) information, like :

  • two or three interesting articles about pirates philosophy, pirates in other country, etc.
  • agenda for the coming week : action, protest, or other (e.g. anti-ACTA protest, Gay Pride, Internet Defense League actions, etc.)
  • the hall of fame : two pirates blog
  • the #FF : 3 pirate twitter accounts + 3 interesting twitter accounts (politicians, administration, etc.)

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