General Assembly:2012/function description

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The following functions are open for replacement during GA:

PPBe co-president

The overall role of a co-president is to:

  • Represent and serve as the official spokesmen for one of the regions
  • Manage the regional pirate events, activites, meetings
  • Develop pirate crews and support them

General responsibilities of the co-president of PPBe

  • Ensure the effective and efficient administration of PPBe regional activities
  • ??

Specific duties of the co-president

  • Manage and keep update the regional pirate calendar (website, forum, facebook)
  • Organise and attend on a regular basis pirate events and meeting from the region assigned
  • Encourage the development of local crews and squads
  • Provide support to local crews and squads
  • Follow up on international pirate events, activities, etc
  • Establish a network of contacts on local, regional, national and international level
  • Work closely with other co-presidents, members of the board, treasurer and general secretary
  • Attend board meetings and follow up on regional and national pirate actions, events, etc
  • Oversee the work of various squads and working groups
  • ??

Co-president person specification

  • Tri-lingual (FR, NL and EN) or at least bi-lingual (FR or NL and EN)
  • Commitment to PPBe values and principles
  • Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to the function
  • Experience in human and organisation management is a plus

PPBe treasurer

The overall role of a treasurer is to:

  • Maintain the day-to-day finances of PPBe
  • Ensure that the financial viability of PPBe by managing party's back accounts
  • Ensure that PPBe financial records are maintained and kept up to date

General responsibilities of the treasurer

  • Ensure the effective and efficient administration of PPBe funds, i.e. bank accounts
  • Ensure that PPBe finances complie with relevant Belgian legislations and/or regulations, e.g. tax submission, etc
  • Ensure that PPBe applies its resources in pursuance of its objects
  • Ensure the financial stability of PPBe
  • Manage PPBe property and ensure the proper investment of PPBe's funds.
  • Contribute to PPBe financial evolution by providing the strategic direction to PPBe, e.g. mechandinsing, investements, etc

Specific duties of the treasurer

  • Manage and presenting budgets, accounts and financial statements to co-presidents and members of the board
  • Prepare and present financial reports to PPBe board and members on regular basis
  • Make a formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general assembly
  • Being assured that the financial resources of the organisation meet its present and future needs
  • Ensure that PPBe has an appropriate reserves on its bank accounts
  • Advise on the financial implications of PPBe investments, purchases, etc
  • Ensuring that PPBe financials comply with Belgian legislation by following up on official documents submissions

Treasurer person specification

  • Tri-lingual (FR, NL and EN) or at least bi-lingual (FR or NL and EN)
  • Commitment to PPBe values and principles
  • Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to the function
  • Understanding and acceptance of PPBe legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities
  • Financial qualifications and experience are required
  • Experience in non-for-profit organisation accounts management is a plus

PPBe general secretary

The overall role of a general secretary is to:

  • Maintain the day-to-day administrative duties of PPBe
  • Provide administrative support to PPBe co-presidents and board, e.g. organising and minuting board meetings
  • Ensure that PPBe administrative records are maintained and kept up to date, e.g. membership records, personal contacts records, merchandinsing, etc

General responsibilities of the general secretary

  • Handle administrative duties of PPBe
  • Be the liaison agent bewteen co-presidents, members of the board and pirates
  • Ensure that PPBe administrative records are kept to date and easily accessible
  • Manage PPBe administrative documents and records

Specific duties of the general secretary

  • Handle, dispatch and supervise all PPBe relative correspondence, especially emails
  • Ensure that the e-welcome team follows up on incoming e-mail correspondence
  • Ensure that the membership list is up to date
  • Prepare and send membership cards
  • Follow up on pirate merchandising purchases by keeping the stock up to date and sending the goods
  • Ensuring that pirate related documents are accessible and kept updated
  • Assist board meeting and take in charge the meeting minutes
  • Keep an updated agenda of various pirate events and meeting
  • Manage pirate contacts

General secretary person specification

  • Tri-lingual (FR, NL and EN) or at least bi-lingual (FR or NL and EN)
  • Commitment to PPBe values and principles
  • Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to the function
  • Experience in human and organisation management is a plus
  • Experience in non-for-profit organisation management is a plus

PPBe member of the board

The overall role of a member of the board is to:

  • ?

General responsibilities of the member of the board

  • ?

Specific duties of the member of the board

  • ?

Member of the board person specification

  • ?