We have been voting on the following document.
Total voters : 32
Motie 1 : Financiëen - Motion 1 : Finances
1.1 Renumeratie van mandaten - Réemunéeration des mandats
Vote 1: 13 green / 14 red -> postponed
- Discussions:
These number don"t mean anything, 22,5% have to be specified and we need a distinction between full-time and part-time mandates
a percentage of the national revenues should go towards the crews, in order to allocate a budget.
The underlying question is how strongly the elected people should be connected to the party (does one deal with his-her budget all alone,or is he-she getting it back from the party with help
full time job versus city councelors
maximum wage/minimum wage for elected people (put a cap to avoid people who come just for the money)
Budget of the party could be voted on the GAs so that we know what will happen to the money
more proposals will be made on a next GA
use crowd funding
should the elected people be paid than give some part to the party or give all their remuneration to the party that will give them back a "salary"
1.2 Cotisation des membres - Lidgeld
Vote 2: -> D accepted
2,5 euro/month (A or C): 4
1 euro/year (B or D): big majority
D: big majority -> accepted
Motie 2: Conflicten oplossen - Motion 2: R�esolution des conflits
2.1 Moderatie - Moderation
Vote 3: accepted
Vote 4: accepted
if not the GA, it will be the squads managing the channels
2.2 Verzoenings- en tuchtcommissie - Commission de conciliation et de discipline
Vote 5: accepted
Remove "bestuur" from dutch version
Vote 6: accepted
Vote 7:
A: accepted
B (simple majority) : rejected de facto since we have choosen A
C (special majority) : idem
Remarks: What does entity mean ?
Person (green) : 14
Group (red) : 15
Entity is defined as "minimum 3 pirates" at the majority
Vote 8: accepted
Vote 9: 13 green / 9 red -> accepted
Remark: not majority of voters obtained + alot of abstention
The member of the coreteam have to be cautious when using this
Vote 10: accepted
Vote 11: accepted
Vote 12:
A : green : 13
B: red : 15 -> accepted
Vote 13: accepted
Remark: remove "coreteam election" because it's every 6 months
Vote 14:
The coreteam has to confirm the suspension/exclusion for every decision (not only before the elections) : 13 green / 13 red
Postponed for later in the day
if the coreteam doesn't validate => escalade to the GA
we need to reformulate this proposition for the next GA
A: green :
B: red :
Remark the decision will supercede vote 13
Vote 15: accepted
Vote 16: accepted
Vote 17:
A green :
B red : accepted
Vote 18: accepted
Idea from the the discussion :
motivation of the decision from the conflict resolution group/mediation team
2.3 Projecten - Projets
Remark : what's a project ? we will have to define this
Vote 19:
A : rejected
B : accepted
Vote 20:
Remark: if there is no coordination team, it's the coreteam that takes this role
A : accepted B: 15 green / 10 red -> accepted Motie 3: Structuur - Motion 3: Structure 3.1 Coreteam - Coreteam Vote 21: 13 green / 14 red --> postponed a new proposal will be made based on the discussions prior to voting So we will skip 3.2 and 3.3 3.2 Secretariaat - secr�etariat Vote 22: Vote 23: Vote 24: Vote 25: 3.3 co?ordinatie-comit�e - comit�e de coordination Vote 26: Vote 27: Vote 28: Vote 29: Vote 30: Vote 31: 3.4 Squads - Squads Remark : the squads concerned by vote 32-35 are defined afterwards Vote on the general principle to delegate certain responsibilities of the coreteam to squads and to allow the coreteam to take back those responsibilities (decision at the simple majority) -> accepted Squads should be reworded "operational squads" in this context Vote 32: A: accepted B: accepted Vote 33: A:accepted B: accepted Vote 34: accepted 3.5 Coaching-squad - L'escouade Coaching Vote 35: accepted 3.6 Co?ordinatie-squad - L'escouade de coordination Vote 36: accepted Vote 37: 7 green / more red -> rejected Vote 38: accepted 3.7 Coreteam-squad - L'escouade Coreteam This is inconsistent with previous decisions -> will not vote 39 Vote 39: not voted Vote 40: accepted 3.8 Financi?en-squad - L'escouade Finance Vote 41' : Who approves the budget ? A green Coreteam : rejected B red GA : accepted Remarks : what will happen if the GA don't approve the budget ? -> need a proposal on that at next GA Vote 41: accepted (budget approved by the GA) Vote 42: accepted 3.9 Algemene Vergadering-squad - L'escouade AG Vote 43: accepted 3.10 IT-squad - L'escouade IT Vote 44: accepted 3.11 Pers-squad - L'escouade Presse NB: not about opinion letters (in personal name), only press releases of the party Question: what about local press? Vote 45: accepted 3.12 Secretariaat-squad - L'escouade Secr�etariat Question: shouldn't we make it possible for the coreteam to access the list of members by itself? Vote 46: accepted 3.13 Wiki-squad - L'escouade Wiki Vote 47: accepted 3.14 Naam - Nom It's about finding a name for the "operational squads" Vote 48: Remark: weird game made the decision Operational Squads (vs. "who cares" vs. "squads" vs. "organs") 3.15 Procedures - Proc�edures Vote 49: Issue with wording: motie van wantrouwen and motion de défiance instead of vertrouwen/confiance. It's about getting someone out. Voted for simple majority (not special majority) Vote 49' : also apply to the coreteam -> accepted Vote 50: accepted