
From Pirate Party Belgium
Revision as of 18:58, 21 January 2014 by TaoDao (talk | contribs)
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Hi. I'm David K. from Leuven. I love to think, listen and discuss. I'm part of the Leuven crew, but I might soon move to Gent.


I like to brainstorm with Manu in Leuven. I think we are a great team. We organize Pirate Beers every other Tuesday, and regular meetings on the other Tuesdays.


I created the new logo that you can see in the upper left corner of this page. If you like, I can create graphics for you as well. Just send a request to the 4G squad and I will do what I can. I am mostly into vector art. I design with Inkscape and GIMP.

I also do editing in Dutch and English. I was dropped in a cauldron of red ink as a child and can smell spelling errors from distances over 2.5km (1.5 miles).

Lastly, I am involved in Pirate Lab. We are exploring new ways to reach decisions.