Property:Has attendee

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This property is of type text and is used in Template:MeetingSidebar. It indicates one of the attendee who where at a meeting.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Joël  +, Vincent L.  +, Marianne  +,
Caroline  +, Sylvie  +, Xavier  +
Benoît  +, Christian  +, Manfred  +, ,
Christian  +, Michael  +, Philipp  +, ,
Alfons  +, Andreas  +, Balduin  +, ,
Christian  +, Michael  +, Philipp  +,
Christian  +, Philipp  +, Patric  +, ,
Marouan  +, Claire  +, Jean-Charles  +, ,
muriel  +, camille  +, jeff  +, ,
JC  +, Marc  +, Wissam  +, ,
Camille  +, Cédric  +, Marouan  +, ,
Muriel  +, Marouan  +, Paul  +, ,
Nofel  +, Marie  +, Muriel  +, ,
JC  +, Marouan  +, Wissam  +, ,
muriel  +, cédric  +, claire  +, ,
Marouan  +, Muriel  +, Claire  +
Marouan  +, Muriel  +, Claire  +, ,
Marouan  +, Muriel  +, Wissam  +, ,
Claire  +, Muriel  +, Lode  +, ,
Marouan  +, Muriel  +, Claire  +, ,