F**** (suggested) manual

From Pirate Party Belgium
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  • For practical and communication purposes, we want to have this page in English. Please feel free to translate the content.
  • Also available: French (original version) and Dutch version.
  • In the end, the English version will be regarded as the official version.


The goal of this document is to describe the process and structure of the Pirate Party Belgium.

The process can be seen as a wave:

  • Like a wave, it progresses in a horizontal way. This means not top-down: we don't plan on having a small group of people to, based on their talents and or expertise, tell how things are going to be run. At the same time, we don't have any illusions related to the bottom-up: other movements (Indignados in Europe, Occupy Wallstreet in the USA, Movement of Februari 20th in Morocco, Takriz in Tunesia) are walking this path.
  • Like a wave, it is self sustaining. Meaning the project only needs itself to exist. What the Pirates do is what defines what constitutes the party. Nothing else should influence the party. If there needs to be criticism on the party, constructive criticism more appreciable and will be appreciated most.
  • In the end, like on all waves, like on all things, there will be froth, as Boris Vian would say. Which means this adventure will generate a multitude of small problems, which will require tackling.

The structure of the party is that of a distributed network:

The members of the distributed network are autonomous, free to act and to contribute (and thus also free to decline, to not participate), and are not submitted nor controlled by a hierarchical autority.

To allow for these relations to form between individuals in a distributed network, the members of the network should be considered as being equipotentials, meaning each member is considered having equal capacity to participate, from occasional militant to active, responsible, party member, and that all have the same capacity in contributing, without prior selection (as long as both are part of the network, which is obvious, but it helps when officially stating it). The members of the network are united around the common project. In this case, the project of the defense of the three pillars of the Pirates and the promotion of the world view that accompanies these pillars.

Cohesion of a distributed network is for a large part !?l’holoptisme?! ', that is to say the capacity of each member to have complete oversight, both horizontally (towards the other members) as on the system in its entirety. It's the opposite of the situation in a hierarchical system, where the ability to see the system in it's entirety is reserved for the hierarchy itself (in this case we speak of panopticism).

The strength of a political organisation as a distributed network thus depends on the flexibility of it's structures, the absence of hierarchy and dynamic leadership.

The power is in the structure and this power is not « representable » , there is no way to delegate this power


A Pirate Party member is in the heart of a distributed network linking to all sections of the party. He or she participates in all these «nodes», better said, has the possibility to participate in all these nodes.

  • By default, all members of the party are part of a Crew
  • If they so choose, members can be part of one or more Squads
  • A Coreteam helps to coordinate training, development, action and creation of Crews and squads.
  • An association, « The Black Pearl », provides support for funding, administrative and logistical management of the Pirate project.

The Crews

The Crews are the base units of the Pirate Party.

Their goal as well as their organisational reason, is to involve ALL the pirates in all workings of the party.

Definition: A Crew is a self-organising, local unit of the Pirate Party. Their goal is to help new Pirates, members of the Party, set up a network of people and to make their first steps in politics. The Pirates organise themselves and go about as they like, as long as they meet the following criteria and they fulfil their goals.


  • A Pirate can only join and/or set up a single Crew
  • A Crew is made of 5 to 9 Pirates. 7 is ideal: at 7, with 7 people, it is possible to sit around a single table and have a serious conversation. Above 9, the Crew needs to split and form 2 new groups. If the Crew has only 5 Pirates left, they need to join another Crew or find new Pirates.
  • A Crew is necessarily made of Pirates of both sexes.
  • A Crew needs to organise at least 2 Meetups a month and at least 2 Meetings a month.
  • All decisions are being made with a consensus. Votings are only used exceptionally because it is a sign of failure of the discussion. In the latter case, this needs to be written down in the report of the meeting.


  • Create bonding between the Pirates
  • Organise Meetups to give new Pirates the opportunity to join in
  • Recruit and embrace new members
  • Discuss, debate and act
  • Communicate and promote the main goals of the Party and the ideology of the corresponding world
  • Campaign

The Squads

They are the production unit of the Party.

Just like Crews are the socializing units, the Squads are the working units. It is there where the political policy making is being done (reports, actions, studies, propositions, course of action, ...)

Definition: a Squad is a working group of which is responsable for the decisions/positions/actions of the Party. A Squad formalises the impulses/initiatives/ideas expressed by the Pirates.

Validation Criteria

  • A Squad centers around a theme, a project or an emergency (see below).
  • A Squad is made of Pirates of different Crews. A Squad is made of a minimum of 2 Pirates (of two different Crews). A Squad can't have more than 2 Pirates of the same Crew.
  • A Pirate can be a part of as many Squads as desired (but, remember only of a single Crew)
  • The only conditions to join a Squad is the intention and the capacity to participate.
  • Decisions are being made with a consensus. Voting is only used exceptionally because it is a sign of failure of the discussions. In the latter case, the needs to be added to the report of the meeting.
  • A Squad has a single contact point for information (Wiki-page, mailing list,…) The transparency of the production method is a necessary condition for the legitimacy of the workings of the Squad.

Typology & Goals

  • Thematic Squads: these are the working groups of thematic work, such as: agriculture, education, health,… It is in these Squads where the position, decisions, studies, reports, etc. of the Party are being developed. The two necessary conditions are Sourcing and transparency. The first condition means that, like on Wikipedia, every element of the proposition and/or argumentation needs to be accompanied by documentation. The second condition means that the documentation needs to be accessible by everyone. This is necessary because the production of the party passes through the Liquid Feedback System.
  • Project Squads: these are the project groups. A project is being defined by a starting date, a deadline, a schedule, a final product and a Project Manager. This Project Manager is responsible for the project, the delays and the adequacy of the result for the Party. The Project Manager discusses with the Speakers to let them know the initiative, verify the uniqueness and gather all the human resources.
  • Emergency Squad: these are the working groups in case of emergency. If an emergency presents itself, 2 Pirates can apply for the installation of an emergency Squad. In this kind of Squad, the result has priority over the procedure. This is the reason why this kind of Squad can only be set up in case of emergency.

Interactions between Crews and Squads

Between the Crews

Every Crew needs to assign a Speaker. Preferably, someone else than the one which started the Crey. The Speaker is the contact line to the other Crews. He discusses - over a mailing list, a discussion forum or regular meetings - with Speakers from other Crews. The Speaker doesn't have an additional or otherwise dominating vote. The group of Speakers doesn't need to debate: they mainly assure cohesion, communication and synergy between the Crews.

Between the Squads

For the Thematic Squads, since their work is visible for all Pirates, there isn't really a procedure for communication. Like said earlier, the criteria for being a valid squad are sourcing and transparency.

Not a single decision/position/product can be adopted if they haven't been clairly and robustly argumented and if the proces which has lead to this position/decision/product hasn't been visible for every Pirate.

For the Project Squad, the Project Manager and the group of Speakers exchange useful information for the completion of the project. The Project Manager can ask the Speakers to use resources useful for the Project.

The implementation of the Emergency Squad, because of its usefult character, only needs to have results.

Between Crews and Squads

The work done in the Squads is reflected to the other Pirates through the basis in its Crews and through the Speaker. As said above, to join a Squad, there are no other conditions but the intention and the capacity to participate.

The Coreteam

C’est un groupe constitué principalement des responsables régionaux du Projet Pirate. Dans chacune des quatre régions du pays, un responsable est identifié. Sa fonction est de coordonner, dans sa région, le développement et l’action des Equipages et des Escouades.

Les Responsables Régionaux coordonnent le mouvement Pirate au niveau fédéral au sein de la Coreteam. Ils peuvent se faire accompagner de qui ils le souhaitent lors des réunions de la Coreteam.

La Coreteam est un organe collégial: les décisions se prennent à l’unanimité ou au consensus. Il ne saurait être question de vote.

Responsibilities of the Coreteam

  • Communication officielle du Parti
  • Constitution des listes électorales
  • Investiture des candidats aux élections
  • Aspects financiers du Projet, en liaison avec le Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl

Comme le stipule l’article 3 des statuts de l’asbl: « L’association a pour but de recueillir et gérer les finances, les financements publics et privés ainsi que les cotisations des membres du Parti Pirate et en supporter les dépenses de fonctionnement et dépenses électorales. L’association apporte son soutien logistique en termes de ressources humaines, matérielles et financières au Parti Pirate. Elle peut accomplir tous les actes de quelque nature que ce soit se rapportant directement ou indirectement à son objet ou visant à le faciliter. »

Dans son article 5, les mêmes statuts précisent qui fait partie de l’association:

  • le président, les vice-présidents et le secrétaire général du Parti Pirate de Belgique ;
  • 11 personnes désignées pour 4 ans dont les chefs de groupe parlementaire et des membres à voix délibérative du Bureau du Parti Pirate ;
  • 1 à 5 personnes choisies par le Bureau du Parti Pirate sur base de leur compétence, notamment dans les matières financières, juridiques, de communications et d’études. »

Les actuels administrateurs sont Monika Kornacka, Jurgen Rateau et Marouan El Moussaoui.


Il convient de distinguer les 3 sortes de moments qui peuvent amener les Pirates à se rencontrer:

The PirateBeers

Ce sont des réunions informelles dont la finalité est l’accueil et le recrutement des nouveaux membres. Les PirateBeer doivent être annoncées et tenues publiquement et régulièrement. Ils sont l’occasion, pour un futur nouveau membre, de faire un premier pas vers les Pirates et de se renseigner sur le Projet. Ils ont organisés par les Crews, dont c’est une mission essentielle: les PirateBeer sont un moyen systématique, régulier et convivial d’amener de nouvelles recrues. Ces moments doivent être conviviaux: éviter les rassemblements autour d’une grande table (toujours intimidant) et opter plutôt pour les discussions en petits groupes. Chaque petit groupe est animé par un membre du Crew organisateur.

The Working Sessions

Ce sont des réunions formelles, avec ordre du jour et procès-verbal, publiés respectivement la semaine avant et la semaine après celle de la tenue de la réunion. Ce procès-verbal doit contenir au minimum les éléments suivants:

  • Date et lieu de la réunion
  • Noms des présents, des absents et des excusés
  • L’approbation du procès-verbal de la réunion précédente
  • Le rapport du Speaker (voir plus bas)
  • Les points abordés lors de la réunion
  • Qui est fait quoi dans quel Squad ? (voir plus bas)

The Team Building Sessions

Ce sont toutes les autres occasions de rencontrer des Pirates (soirée, visite, LAN party, participation à un événement, colloque, beuveries, abordages,…)

Cette typologie est importante car elle évite la confusion des genres lors des rencontres. Elle permet en outre de situer le nouveau membre dans sa démarche d’implication dans le Parti: ça commence par un Meetup, suit une Working Session à l’occasion de laquelle la méthodologie Pirate est expliqué et à l’issue de laquelle le nouveau membre est prêt à rejoindre ou former un Equipage.

Financial aspects

Les Règles ci-dessous s’appliquent au Parti Pirate de Belgique, ses Equipages, ses Escouades, ses Groupes de travail et toute structure formelle ou informelle qui se présentent comme un élément du Parti Pirate de Belgique.

  • Tous les biens mobiliers et immobiliers et tous les fonds doivent être utilisés dans le cadre de la réalisation des objectifs du Parti Pirate, et seulement dans ce cadre.
  • Chaque Pirate peut librement, après une requête auprès de la Coreteam, avoir accès aux rapports financiers du Parti Pirate.
  • Tous les comptes bancaires du Parti Pirate:
    • seront distincts de ceux de ses membres ;
    • doivent requérir au moins deux signatures pour libérer des fonds ou effectuer des paiements ;
    • utilisent les mots « PPBe » (ou « Pirate Party Belgium ») dans son intitulé.
  • Tous les comptes bancaires du Parti Pirate de Belgique, y compris ses Equipages, ses Escouades, ses Groupes de travail et toutes les structures formelles ou informelles qui se présentent comme un élément du Parti Pirate, seront soumis à un audit annuel sur base duquel sera rédigé un rapport financier annuel. Ce rapport sera rendu public à tous les Pirates.
  • Tous les Equipages, les Escouades, les Groupes de travail et toutes structures formelles ou informelles qui se présentent comme un élément du Parti Pirate de Belgique, doivent informer le Trésorier du Parti immédiatement après l’ouverture d’un compte bancaire. Doivent être connus: les informations financières nécessaires (numéros,…) et les noms et contacts des trésoriers responsables. Sur requête de la Coreteam, les relevés de compte doivent être présentés.
  • Tous les Equipages, les Escouades, les Groupes de travail et toutes structures formelles ou informelles qui se présentent comme un élément du Parti Pirate de Belgique prennent acte que les fonds collectés pour le Parti Pirate sont la propriété exclusive du Parti Pirate. A la dissolution d’une structure, celle-ci transfère tous les biens mobiliers et immobiliers et tous les fonds en sa possession au Parti Pirate de Belgique.
  • Le non-respect des règles financières ci-dessus mènent à une exclusion immédiate du Parti et à de possibles poursuites judiciaires.