Brussels Crew - Work meeting + meet 'n greet German Young Pirates 27/06

From Pirate Party Belgium
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Present : Alexandre, Mab, Nino, Clotilde, Pascale, Fabrice, Valérie, Frédéric, Hugo, Xavier, Aurore, Jurgen, Paul, Selim, ...?


Café Bota

Address: rue Royale, 236 1210 Brussels

Station: Botanique

Meeting is at 19.30, dinner with the German young pirates at 18.30


Approval of minutes from previous work meeting

Campaign-related items

  1. Feedback from last signature hunt
  2. How to collect / organise?
  3. Next events
  4. Update on the programme outline (Frédéric + Benoit)
  5. Update on the dossier for elected officials (Paul)
  6. Other

Language issues

Discussion about our communication strategy on social networks

Election of a treasurer

  1. Which bank?

Coordination and communication of the local squads

  1. Brussels city mailing list
  2. Regional and municipal levels?


  1. Reminder : the internal call to be on a list for the elections is running from now until mid-July