
From Pirate Party Belgium
Revision as of 23:48, 24 January 2018 by Vanecx (talk | contribs)
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(AG, GA, AV): The GA is a sovereign entity of pirates. Only the GA can make official decisions, especially when it's about new expenses. According to the statutes, decisions are made by majority vote. Because the vote is a "loser generator", numerous pirates are demanding for other ways of voting, like consensus (= the lifting of objections)... against which others are ferociously opposed. The discussion is still open and experiments are still being carried out. There is a minimum of one GA per year, usually there are 2 or 3, with a changing location. A GA typically lasts a day and the meal is in the form of a potluck... for those who think about bringing something (and as a snack in town for others). The GA is grueling, so please bring chocolate.