Talk:Main Page test

From Pirate Party Belgium
Revision as of 09:55, 27 February 2017 by HgO (talk | contribs)
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Notice: The content of this page has been archived here. --HgO (talk) 18:41, 4 December 2016 (CET)

Souce d'inspiration

Parmi les wiki qui ont leur petite notoriété dans leur domaine, il y a celui-ci pour les jeux vidéos. Le parallèle entre les crews et les équipes est assez évident, je propose d'explorer cette piste et de créer portail crews inspiré par ce layout.

--Vincent L. (talk) 15:55, 4 December 2016 (CET)

Perso, j'aime pas les truc Show / Hide et je préfère de loin (sur un wiki en out cas) click / jump to.
Tant qu'on y est ... est-ce que ça dérange quelqu'un si je vire tout ce qui est au-dessus et qui date de 2014 et avant? Après-tout, c'est quand même dans l'historique de vesion. Au moins on se dépolue les yeux et on s'épargne du scrolling ^_^
J'ai balancé tout ça dans une sous-page dédiée ;) Deux raisons: je comptais relire tout ça à mon aise un jour, et j'aime pas trop supprimer des trucs juste comme ça ^^' --HgO (talk) 18:51, 4 December 2016 (CET)
En revanche j'aime bien l'idée des onglets comme ici.
J'voudrais pas décourrager ... mais pour en arriver là ils en sont à 1000+ templates ... on en a 55 ^_^
Mais du coup ... c'est une mine à idées!
--Tierce (talk) 18:05, 4 December 2016 (CET)

Tu proposes d'afficher les équipages sous forme de colonnes/listes, c'est ça ? D'abord la région, puis la province et puis les équipages ? Ou bien juste province, et puis équipages ? Note que certains équipages n'ont pas de ville définie (je pense à la Crew West-Vlaanderen, par exemple) :/ --HgO (talk) 18:51, 4 December 2016 (CET)
C'est surtout l'utilsation des tabs qui me plaît. Entre-temps, mes goûts ont évolué et le layout du Wiktionnaire me plaît par sa clarté et sa simplicité. --Vincent L. (talk) 11:02, 23 December 2016 (CET)
J'aime bien le header, il m'est sympathique :) Ceci dit, je remarque que dans tous les projets de la wikimedia, aucun n'utilise de header global (càd qui reste visible sur chaque page). Je me demande donc s'il ne serait pas plus judicieux de transférer le menu dans la sidebar, tout en nettoyant un peu celle-ci (de toute façon, la sidebar n'a pas été prévue pour stocker beaucoup d'information. Par ex, il n'y a que deux niveaux d'indentation possibles (titre + élements de liste, ou catégories + sous-catégories). --HgO (talk) 11:36, 23 December 2016 (CET)

New main page

We started a project of having new main page that reflects the recent changes I did on the wiki (events, maps, translate extension, etc.).

Currently, I'm still not satisfied with the header banner. I would like to have those information displayed: survival guide, wiki manual, and maybe the Basic Text (although it is already mentioned in the surival guide, and newcomers probably fall on the wiki from the website).

I notice that currently the map seems to attract a lot of attention, which makes the links to help and welcome guide poorly visible, still, although they are in the banner. Possibly, what about adding some icons/images next to them inside the banner? --Valerie (talk) 21:18, 26 February 2017 (CET)
Indeed... maybe we could put them somewhere else ? Before or after the map, for instance ? I agree with the icons, that's a good idea anyway :) --HgO (talk) 08:55, 27 February 2017 (CET)

I would also like to find a better way to mention the list of crews and how to create a new crew. Right now, it's a bit too serious...

about "create a crew" it is a bit serious indeed and actually it is not about creating a crew but a wiki page for a crew, right? Maybe we should differentiate "I want to create a crew" and "finding the template for a new crew". I think actually the "new crew creation" should trigger a call to other pirates to get help for putting up a crew, so more about establishing communication. --Valerie (talk) 21:18, 26 February 2017 (CET)
Yes you are right about this difference ^^ There is a form for creating/editing the page of a crew, although I didn't finished it yet. Templates aren't needed, although one can still use them.
I'm not sure to understand how we could do this ? Which pirates should be informed of the creation of a new crew ? I don't think it's possible to send an email when creating the crew page. However, I think that there are extensions that allow us to watch a category, such as the Category:Crew, and to get notifications whenever a page is added to that category (ie. when a new crew page is created). --HgO (talk) 08:55, 27 February 2017 (CET)

Moreover, we wondered whether we display crews with an outdated wiki page (such as Crew Namur) or not. I agree that this is a bit disturbing for the visitors, but I think it gives at least some information on those crews. For instance, someone who'd be motivated enough could try to launch the crew again by contacting pirates. However, at the moment, crew pages don't offer an easy way to contact a crew (usually, there is a facebook link, but that's all).

Finally, we discussed about the idea of task management system. I'm not sure whether it would be possible, but the idea would be to put a todo somewhere on the wiki, and this task would show up on a list on the main page. --HgO (talk) 15:13, 26 February 2017 (CET)

Is it really useful to have this on the main page? I would rather put this on each crew or project page. Or maybe I don't understand what type of "to do" you have in mind? --Valerie (talk) 21:18, 26 February 2017 (CET)
I'm not sure actually :p but I'd like to find a way to tell people where they can help, basically. I was thinking that maybe a global todo list would be helpfull. At the moment, pirates put their tasks on a project page or after the minutes, but there is no way to track them. You need to remember which pages contain tasks.
I had a look at possible extensions, but none of them is still maintained... So I guess it's not easy to implement :( --HgO (talk) 08:55, 27 February 2017 (CET)

Globally, I love this new version with the map, and the upcoming events. What else comes to my mind... : --Valerie (talk) 21:18, 26 February 2017 (CET)

  • A central search bar: to make clear that the best is to type what you are looking for. I would put it before the map, clear and visible, with a short sentence like "Start your journey in the belgian pirates wiki here". I remember you found a nice one, so I guess it's doable?
Ah yes, I forgot about this ! Yes, it is :) Is that good for you? --HgO (talk) 08:55, 27 February 2017 (CET)
  • Compared to the current main page, there is nothing here about pirates in general. That's ok for me, if we make clear that the welcome page is the way to go for that type of info... and if all that info is actually accessible from the welcome page (I don't think it's the case yet).
Yes, I think we talked about this in December. I was actually wondering what we should do with the welcome page ? It is not finished yet. For me, if we redirect to the survival guide, it's good enough for now. We could work on the welcome page later on, maybe ? --HgO (talk) 08:55, 27 February 2017 (CET)