Crew Brussels/Meeting/16 10 2012

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Meeting Toicon-icon-avocado-discuss.svg
Workgroup Crew Brussels
Date Tue 16 October 2012
Time 7:00pm
Attendees Abdelkrim, Line, Maël, Toon, Tom, Jurgen
Previous meeting
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Current meeting

  • Who : focused on Brussels city (but everyone is welcomed)
  • What: Pirate beer
  • When: 2012-10-16 from/to 19:00 - 23:30
  • Where: Line's place, close to the Stock Market / Beurs / Bourse
  • Why: After the elections

Next meeting

  • Who : everyone
  • What: Pirate beer
  • When: 2012-10-30 from/to 20:00 - 22:00
  • Where: Line' place
  • Why: meet after the elections


Name Abbr Function Presence
Line CALLEBAUT LCA General Secratary Pirate Party Belgium - Captain 1000 Brussels YES
Name Abbr Function Presence

Financial side of the campaign

General expenses

  • some facts:
    • LCA has spent 50 EUR for first print of posters
    • LCA complete printing 88 EUR
    • MBRl: Flyers cost 30 EUR
    • Minus 100 EUR funded by the core team => 168 EUR - 100 EUR = 68 EUR that Brussels city should contribute to

We need to check with our Brussels city crew how is willing to contribute to this amount (68 EUR) not covered by the Core team

ACTION: send email and ask who is willing to contribute


Mael proposes to insert the cost expense for the Carpet made by Line (70 EUR). the carpet has been used only once. ABO claimed that we should under all circumstances inform the other members of the crew before incurring new expenses; we could at least ask other crews if they can provide us with the items we need.

comments from the crew

  • LCA is willing to contribute
  • MBR is willing to contribute
  • ABO is not in favor to participate to those extra expenses as he had already paid his full membership as well as the flag; but he will contribute to the 68 EUR
  • TBI was not in favor of the way it goes but he is willing to contribute
  • TBE is willing to contribute

Expenses notes for the public administration

Each candidate should fill the following documents. The documents are available:

Here is the schedule and the high level view:

Date Keyword electoral schedule source
Dinsdag 13 november 2012 (30ste dag na de verkiezing) Verkiezingsuitgaven Uiterste datum waarop de lijstaanvoerder de uitgaven voor verkiezingspropaganda moet aangeven aan de voorzitter van de rechtbank van eerste aanleg. Hij moet tevens de herkomst van de geldmiddelen aangeven alsook de identiteit van de natuurlijke personen die giften van 125 EUR en meer te hebben gedaan, registreren (BGKWB, artikel 23, §7, derde lid). De hoofdgetuige van de lijst of de daartoe door de lijst gemandateerde persoon verzamelt de aangiften van de verkiezingsuitgaven van elke kandidaat en van de lijst en dient ze in binnen dertig dagen na de datum van de verkiezingen bij de griffie van de rechtbank van eerste aanleg (BGKWB, artikel 23, §7, vierde lid). Uiterste datum waarop de politieke partijen hun verkiezingsuitgaven ten gunste van de lijst voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen moeten meedelen aan de voorzitter van de rechtbank van eerste aanleg (Wet van 7 juli 1994, artikel 8). [voor candidaten]
Mardi 13 novembre 2012 (30ème jour après l'élection) Dépenses électorales Date ultime à laquelle les partis politiques et le candidat en tête de liste doivent communiquer au président du tribunal de première instance leurs dépenses électorales relatives aux élections communales consenties au profit de listes et de candidats. Il doit déclarer l’origine des fonds et enregistrer l’identité des personnes physiques qui ont fait des dons de 125Euros et plus (Loi du 7 juillet 1994, article 8 et C.E.C.B., article 23, §7, alinéa 3). Date ultime à laquelle le témoin principal de la liste sur laquelle les candidats se présentent ou la personne mandatée à cet effet par la liste rassemble les déclarations de dépenses électorales de chaque candidat et de la liste et les dépose au greffe du tribunal de première instance dans le ressort duquel la commune est située (C.E.C.B., article 23, §7, alinéa 4). [pour les candidats]

Elections' feedback

ACTION: each member of the crew should

  1. provide his/her experience:
  2. describe what can we improve for next time

ACTION: ABO will send an email to

Next events

  • 13 november Next meeting at the tom's place
  1. Analysis of what we have put together
  2. Focus points, film gatherings,
  3. Rassemble people into a regional, European or national elections


Action ID Description Prerequisite Creation date yy/mm/dd Expected end date Actual End date Responsible(s)
028 LCE wil send an email and ask who would like to contribute to the extra expenses made during the elections --- 2012-10-16 ASAP Not done yet LCA
029 ABO will check the documents related to elections' expenses and describe to each candidate how to fill them --- 2012-10-16 ASAP Not done yet ABO
030 ALL members should give their experience' feedback during this election: will check the documents related to elections. See elections' feedback section 031 2012-10-16 ASAP Not done yet LCA, DCH, ABO, MBR, LGA, TBE, GFR, TBI
031 ABO will ask all members to give their experience' feedback for this election --- 2012-10-16 ASAP Not done yet ABO
032 ABO will create one event on FB for the next pirate beer --- 2012-10-16 ASAP Not done yet ABO
033 ABO will create one event on FB for the next event with most crews --- 2012-10-16 ASAP Not done yet ABO