General Assembly:2012/candidatures

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Acte de candidature

  • Nom : …………………………………………………………
  • Prénom : …………………………………………………
  • Date de naissance : ……………………
  • Sexe : M / F
  • Candidat(e) pour le poste de : …………………………………
  • Curriculum Vitae : Veuillez joindre votre CV dans un format utilisable sur toute ordinateur PDF/TXT/etc
  • Motivation pour occuper ce poste : Ajoutez s.v.p votre lettre de motivation pour occuper ce poste
  • Programme pour le poste occupée pour les 12 mois à venir : Ajoutez s.v.p votre programme


  • Naam: ………………………………………………………
  • Voornaam: ……………………………………………
  • Geboortedatum: ………………………………
  • Geslacht: M / V
  • Kandidaat voor de post van: …………………………………
  • Curriculum Vitae: Gelieve uw CV bij te voegen in een formaat leesbaar op elke computer, PDF/TXT/etc
  • Motivatie om deze post op te nemen: Voeg a.u.b. uw sollicitatiebrief toe.
  • Programma voor de 12 komende maanden: Voeg a.u.b. uw programma toe.

List of candidates


There will be 3 co-presidents elected. Each representing each region,i.e. Brussels, Flanders and Wallonie. Candidatures for the post of the co-president:

Jonas Degrave (317070)

Ik geloof erg in het potentieel van de Piratenpartij als nieuwe internationale politieke beweging en wil dan ook alles doen om van de organisatie een stevige structuur te maken. Eén die echte invloed uitoefent op de beleidsvorming. Ik ben te bescheiden om hier te gaan beweren dat ik de perfecte man zal zijn voor de plaats, mijn motivatie komt vooral vanuit de hoofdstandpunten van de piratenpartij. Ik stel mij kandidaat omdat ik denk dat mijn kandidatuur de partij dichter bij de verwezenlijking van die standpunten gaat brengen. Ik ben namelijk niet zozeer voor grote ideologieën en ben vooral een pragmatist. Wat willen we bereiken, hoe willen we daar komen en wat gaan we (nu) doen om daar te komen.

  • Programma voor de 12 komende maanden:
    • De Crews alle tools in handen geven om zo veel mogelijk van de komende gemeenteraadsverkiezingen te maken. Het doel is minstens 1 verkozene per ingediende lijst.
    • De juiste mensen op de juiste plaats krijgen om een snellere groei van actieve leden mogelijk te maken
    • Daarna inzetten op media-aandacht en zichtbaarheid om een goede basis van activisten, leden en sympathisanten aan te trekken, zonder die grotere basis zullen we niets bereiken in de verkiezingen van 2014
    • Vanaf januari 2013 serieuze plannen beginnen maken over de aanpak van de verkiezingen in juni 2014
    • alle leden zo veel mogelijk inspraak bieden via het Liquid Feedback systeem in het programma van de partij
    • nadenken over de positie van België in de PPI en werken aan een Europese piratenpartij

Marouan El Moussaoui

Co-fondateur du Parti Pirate de Belgique, je participe à cette aventure humaine depuis juin 2009. C'est peu de dire que je ne fais plus que ça depuis lors. "ça", c'est réfléchir à ce qui se passe actuellement, au changement de paradigme que nous vivons, les conséquences de ce changement sur nos petites vies et sur la grande histoire de l'humanité. Et agir en conséquence. Le Parti Pirate est le véhicule le plus adéquat pour aborder ce changement de paradigme.

  • Programme pour les 12 mois à venir :
    • Participer à l'infrastructure organisationnelle, la formaliser pour l'autonomiser.
    • Participer à l'orientation idéologique et stratégiqe du parti (beyond the three classical issues)
    • Elargir le combat aux autres secteurs touchés par les questions de proprieté intellectuelle, comme l'industrie pharmaceutique ou l'agro-alimentaire.
    • A Bruxelles, ancrer le parti dans les quartiers populaires.
    • Au moins un Crew dans chacune des 19 communes de la Région bruxelloise.
    • Organiser des séances publiques d'informations ouvertes au grand public.

Koen De Voegt

I've been using Linux and open source software nearly exclusively for several years now. And more importantly I'm a convinced believer in the principles behind the creation of open source hard- and software. I have worked as Research Engineer and in that position I've seen first hand how the current patent system doesn't serve innovation. It maintains an expensive system of intellectual elitism which is mostly payed with government money. Open innovation is faster and more efficient and it ensures that ideas can't get locked up in the IPR vaults of corporations. We can make a better system!

  • Program for the next 12 months :
    • Lead by example: Make sure our party itself is a leading example in the fields of transparency and participation.
    • Actively promote cooperation between all Crews & Squads to share talent & ideas.
    • Make PPBe a respected, active contributor to PP International and contribute in the creation of a European Pirate Party.

Paul Bossu

  • Name : BOSSU
  • First name : PAUL
  • Birthday : 18/04/1974
  • Gender : male
  • Curriculum Vitae : Cv-paul-bossu.pdf
  • Motivation :

Well, since the first day i know there is a pirate party in Belgium, i try to come to each event, pirate beer or workshop ... I'm not a geek or don't have any capacity into hardware or informatica programmation... But i'm pragmatical, i like to find solution to each problem ... Since oneyear, I finaly see there is now a worlwide human (re)evolution (anonymous, indignados, arabian countries, ...) and i'm waiting for that since more than ten years .. Now it's time to do and act ! I aslo want to found more pirate, to create more crews, to develop and create new squads... I'm sure that the direct democracy and the liquid feedback are good vision for the future of everybody !

  • Program for the next 12 months :

Before communal election (6 months) ...

  • Create at least one crew in each province (to do : limburg, west-vlaanderen, namur, luxembourg, brabant wallon)
  • Creation of a national Squad just focused on the communal election (brainstorming, benchamarking et best practices, ...)
  • like koen say : "Actively promote cooperation between all Crews & Squads to share talent & ideas"
  • New website and also to do promotion because many people don't know the pirate party !
  • Maximal promotion of the liquid feedback at any level (communal, regional, federal, european, ...)
  • Doing things that may interest media's to have as much as possible article in the Press ...
  • Find girls otherwise we can not doing list

After communal election (6 months) ...

  • to organise an extraordinary General Assembly just after the election (general feed back)
  • To meet the board of the other european pirat parties (at home or away)
  • Many other things that we decide together during the Extraordinary GA !


Candidatures for the post of the treasurer:

Nofel Tiani

  • Naam/Nom: Tiani
  • Voornaam/Prénom: Nofel
  • Geboortedatum/Date de naissance: 11/07/1991
  • Geslacht/Sexe: M
  • Kandidaat voor/Candidat pour: Treasurer
  • Curriculum Vitae:
  • Motivatie om deze post op te nemen/Motivation pour occuper ce poste:
    • Ayant une formation économique, je trouve que c'est un devoir de mettre mes compétences au service du PartiPirate et ses membres.
    • Aangezien ik een economische opleiding heb, vind ik dat het een plicht is om mijn competenties te gebruiken om de PiratenParij en zijn leden te dienen.
  • Programma voor de 12 komende maanden/Programme des 12 prochains mois:
    • Le trésorier a une tache très importante au sein d'une structure. Les finances sont extrêmement importantes pour le parti afin de pouvoir se développer au maximum. Dès lors, la personne qui gère ces moyens a une grande responsabilité et détient aussi un pouvoir, cependant nous pouvons limiter l'impact de ce pouvoir si ces fonds sont géré en toute transparence. C'est pour cela que je promets de gérer ces comptes du parti en toute transparence et aussi de manière efficace afin que chaque euro dépensé trouvera son utilité, soit justifié et aura un impact positif dans le développement du PartiPirate.
    • De penningmeester heeft een zeer belangrijke functie binnen een structuur. De financiën zijn uiterst belangrijk voor de ontwikkeling van de partij, daarom heeft de beheerder van deze middelen een grote verantwoordelijkheid en drukt ook een bepaalde macht, we kunnen echter deze macht beperken door transparant te werken. Daarom beloof ik om in totale transparantie te werken en het toestand van de fondsen gemakkelijk bereikbaar te maken en ook om deze fondsen zo efficiënt mogelijk te beheren zodat elke euro die gebruikt wordt gerechtvaardigd is en dat het ook een positief impact geeft op de ontwikkeling van de PiratenPartij.

General secretary

Candidatures for the post of the general secretary:

Line Callebaut

  • First name: Line
  • Gender: F
  • Birthday: 03/12/1979
  • Curriculum Vitae:
  • Motivation: As a journalist I’ve been able to see Belgian society from very close and different angles, in court, on the field and governmental. I’ve sensed how much politics is driven by corporate business and how there is a big lack of transparency. I hope that with Pirate Party we can change this somehow and believe very strongly in our project. So far Monica has beautifully filled the role of secretary. As she now steps down, I put myself as candidate to guaranty continuity. My goal is to further coordinate the different tasks that need to be for filled to grow stronger as a political party in the centre of Europe.

  • Program for the next 12 months: In the months to come I hope I can motivate more people to work together in the structure we’re now trying to built so we can work further in taking a worthy place in Belgian politics.

Member of the board

Candidatures for the post of the member of the board:

Jurgen Rateau

  • Name: RATEAU
  • First name: Jurgen
  • Crew name: Brussels crew
  • Gender: M
  • Birthday: 09/09/70
  • Curriculum Vitae:

- Master Economic & Social Policy / Bachelor Informatics.
- Worked at different levels in the Belgian Internet business since '95.
- Worked in/with several youth and political organisations since '88, nationally, internationally.
- Created at least 3 NPOs and one company.
- Owner of a web hosting operation with own infrastructure.
- Founding member Pirate Party Belgium.
- Mover & Shaker, Experimenter.
- Strongly believes in the power of a networked lateral economy and society.
- Knows Dutch, French, English, Spanish and even some Arab.

  • Motivation:

In the aftermath of the European elections of June 2009 the Belgian Pirate Party adventure started in July 2009. I, among others like Monika an Marouan felt the time has come to start a new political party. We had to build a party which implements a 21th century vision and way of doing things. A party of and for the current and new generations, a party for the future, a party thinking globally and acting locally. A party allergic to partycracy, fostering lateral power and horizontal workings, promoting real participative democracy. It seemed fairly natural to us to join the worldwide Pirate movement.

Lots of thinking happened since then. Lots of at times difficult but always interesting discussions too. Hard and persistent work with few people have been done since 2009. Even being a strange beast in the Belgian political landscape the Pirate Party grew stronger as more people joined. Even being still ill known by our fellow citizens we are already being recognized by several Belgian political leaders and parties as the possible next wave to come. This makes me very happy.

Having been on the deck, having hold the wheel of the ship for more than two years, time has now come to hand over deck and wheel of the ship we've built. I've never felt like being a 'president for life' of the party. Even less knowing my allergy for particracy and little personal often hidden agendas. Move in, move out, seats only have to be occupied as long as they need to be. At the other hand new blood is always good! To refresh, to renew, to evolve a structure has to revolve.
In it's current state the party is still fragile, brittle. We've learned a lot during those two and a half past years. We have had to modify our opinions, positions and ways of doing several times. We've learned there's a difference between the "we coulds", the "we shoulds", the "it has'" when confronted to hard (belgian) reality and working on the field. A very useful experience I'd like to continue to share.
This is the reason why I think I should stay on the deck for one more turn. When exploring the waters leading to Terra Incognita, using unknown routes, one might expect to encounter sand banks, submarine cliffs and stormy weather. In those times I'd like to be there to share my knowledge, experience and presence.

  • Program for the next 12 months:

- Assist the handover, TBD ASAP after the GA.
- Provide advice where wanted/needed.
- Provide a helping hand where wanted/needed/requested.
- Coach crew/squads if requested to.
- Participate to the Coreteam meetings.
- Assist in preparing the upcoming electoral rounds.

Thomas Goorden

  • Name: Goorden
  • First name: Thomas
  • Birthday: 14/09/78
  • Gender: M

Curriculum Vitae

(see my LinkedIn profile for a more extensive overview) - Currently founder and co-owner of a creative production company - Extensive international and local volunteer and business experience - Strong language skills (on stage and in writing) - a +10-year background in IT, specialty "soft" AI and complex systems - Bachelor physics - Bi-lingual Dutch-English, serviceable French


It's hard to find something I do not like about the Pirate movement. Clearly, it is an idea whose time has come. Being involved in this movement feels incredibly intellectually stimulating and very exciting. Copyright law and its negative impact on this "age of knowledge" concerns me tremendously and I've recently started actively lobbying in this area. Apart from that, I'm truly hoping to help develop Pirate ideas around a more satisfying political process, through governmental transparency in a first phase and, building on that, a wider direct involvement of non-politicians in decision making.

Program for the coming year

My main focus is to help develop these relatively small beginnings into a fully equipped political party with an undeniably positive impact. My absolute focus therefor will be on building a positive and strong internal culture. This would include: - A positive personal network, built on trust. - A fair and accessible decisional structure. ("Eat your own dog-food") - Strongly avoid unchecked personal power. It is even my hope we can avoid the "power corrupts" path most political movements struggle with. - Avoiding a "cult of personality", where we try to create our own celebrities. Leadership should be a *task* like any other.

I believe most of this starts on a local level, in local crews, for whom the coming local elections are a great way to gain experience and build trust internally and externally. Possible initiatives you can expect of me: - Co-organize debate and/or practice sessions to help develop political ideas. - Help in creating local communication campaigns and trying to build bridges between different local crews. - Help build visibility in the media.

On a national level, I would like to function as a back-up to our co-presidents, treasurer and secretary, offering expertise and replacement where necessary. Aside from that, I also want to make sure the same culture is present on a national level as well. Since there are no federal elections in this coming year and no elected current PP officials, I believe the "Belgian Crew" should mainly be of service to the local crews, not the other way around.