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== Drinks & End ==
== Drinks & End ==
[[category:General Assembly]]

Revision as of 19:10, 29 August 2016


  • 26 members present
  • 1 vote by procurement
  • 4 people press
  • Meeting was lead by Jurgen and Monika
  • Notes taken by Pieter

Review of things done last year

  • by Jurgen
  • agenda overview
  • overview of what pp did last year

A word about finances

  • overview of financial state
  • current amount on bank account: 1611.66
  • in: 261.53
  • out: 757.50
  • change: 495.97
  • banks:
    • Black Pearl npo: bkcp banck,
    • Pirate Party: bnp paribas
    • we wanted to change BNP, but account number used by many members to pay membership.
  • Black Pearl finances:
    • swiss hosting: because of fairer hosting laws in Swiss (France not so good, hadopi, ...)
    • 252.1 merchandising income
    • new money needed for merchandising, printing costs
  • Pirate Party finances
    • 1859.84 total
    • change +/- 1000 euros
    • 35 contributing members ~ out of 2000 members following, 2% conversion rate
    • 16 contributing monthly
    • 19 contributing annually
    • set target at 5% conversion rate? ~ 100 paying members, for next year?
  • total 3471.5 - 750 loan = 2721.5 total, + value of merchandise

Q & A

  • loan has been paid completely
  • batch merchandising last time was +/- 900 euros
  • graphs?
    • xls, csv files available, who wants could make a graph like this.
    • accessibility of data? multiple options to the future.
  • memberships / donations
    • memberships vi pp
    • donations, max 25.000 via black pearl
    • donations: disclosures? what are the rules? we should try to get a good and correct overview, especially now more Flemish involvement: could mean new rules.
  • mandates on the bank accounts:
    • originally: bkcp, BNP: both opened by Marouane and Jurgen.
    • now: black pearl: only Jurgen
    • now: pirate party: only Marouane
    • bank statements of BNP arrive at Jurgen's home address, bank statements of Bkcp arrive at Marouanes address
    • future should be: people of the board, needs to be fixed, on the list of the handover
    • how many should get access? up to new structure

PBBe elections

  • candidates, voting system
  • discussion on 5 or 7 members
    • can there be candidatures for more than one role
    • we vote now on 7 or 5 board members
    • board members have vote power
  • some discussions
    • complaints about clarity of of board functions
    • current structure not clear
    • board members: not clear what their function is; Jurgen answers:
      • there was a demand from people to do it
      • idea of dragging experience in from the past
  • solution:
    • complete candidacy list
    • explain voting syst
    • explain structure
    • decide on 5 or 7
    • another moment for posing candidacy

Lunch break

Because we are running out of time, Monika has been appointed time keeper.

Filming assembly

  • A filming crew is present
  • recording by journalism students
  • some people, but not many, do not want to be filmed

Structure of the the PBBe

  • explanation of current structure
  • by Jurgen, using a mindmap (XMind)
  • influences by Pirate Without Boards (ideas) organisation
  • whole structure is currently run by three people
  • Q: Thomas: Sociocracy; local idea or international idea
  • A: Jurgen: based on known ideas inside the internation movement
  • Q: Mimor: is the mindmap online?
  • A: Jurgen: not yet, but will be, not official document.

Explanation of the voting system

Dynamic voting system:

  • proposal:
    • vote for co-presidents
    • people that do not make it, can choose te be candidate for the next vote
    • this require separate vote for each position, to know for people to be candidate for next role
  • counter args
    • this means vote one by one, more time
    • people can be candidate for multiple roles at the same time
    • most popular can chose which role (if elected for more than one role) to take up first
  • system
    • we need verifiers
    • two people for verification
    • one person inputs in computer
    • open source stv program
  • actual voting happens in one go at the end
  • motion: can everyone vote except press? voted yes;
  • one voting by proxy? one, yes, next time we need to prepare this better.
  • motion: 5 or 7; how many members in the board; voted for 5 persons in the board; (13 vs 10)

Candidates Present themselves

  • 3 co-pres/co-chairman
    • Jonas Degraeve
    • Marouan El Moussaoui
    • Koen De Voegt
    • Paul Bossu
  • 1 treasurer
    • Nofel
    • Thomas
  • 1 general secretary
    • Line
    • Koen
  • Q & A session for the candidates


  • motion: speed up presentation, try to limit to the essential to save time; voted yes;

Web/IT structure squad

Liquid Feedback

  • presentation by Jonas
  • translation to french? 5 hours of work; Monika wants to maybe do this
  • logo choosen (red cards have it, right side of slide)
  • we are going to transtion (upgrade) to version 2.0

Pirate squads

  • intro Monika
  • divide work of the party over different squads
  • presentation of the people taking up different squads follows

social media squad

  • Xavier
  • e.g. facebook work
  • statistics
  • twitter?
  • interactivity with the website

Web squad

  • Presented by Mike and Line
  • make main site an information portal; tell people who we are and what we do
  • translation, seo, people want to help
  • current design copied from other places
  • lots of work
  • who wants to help out
  • thomas: helping out on the user-scenarios
  • someone else in antwerp wants to help out
  • within two weeks to come, line will communicate get together date
  • Koen: youtube account is unblocked again

IT squad

  • Presented by Jonas
  • presentation redmine (project website)
  • presentation forum; could be used more
  • ...
  • no ssh access
  • will try to make email addresses for other squads
  • translation work
  • email addresses should be managed by the IT squad
  • rename to
  • question for more overview who what

Welcome squad

  • Paul and Monika
  • howto, info for new members
  • welcome squad: welcoming people
    • ewelcome: emails, etc..., direct to direct info
    • physical welcome: crews, workmeetings, pirate beers
  • ideas
    • make guide
    • peter/sponsor/marain for new members
  • people needed
    • three languages needed
  • glenn will join the welcome squad
  • currently: websquad

Communal elections oct' 2012 followed by Q&A

  • marouan
    • different for every region
    • every region has different rules
  • presentation on Brussels/Wallonie
    • deadlines of list, certain number of days before elections
    • different strategies
    • objective criteria to chose strategy
    • marouane: think it is better to focus
  • Thomas
  • So you want to get elected? What you’ll need
    • 100 exclusive signatures OR 1 signature exiting council member
    • an ordered list of candidates on an official form including a list name**
    • Sept 15 2011: deadline for lists
  • The list(s)
    • any EU civilian registered locally
    • max: 55 (Antwerpen), 51 (Gent), 45 (Leuven)
    • |M-V| ≤ 1
    • different gender in 1st and 2nd place
    • presence on multiple lists Ccity,district,province) is legal, but you can’t have a district+city mandate
    • only one mandate per “family” (3rd degree)
    • official doc to submit a list: not available yet
  • Money
    • keep your expenses! anything you spent for the elections, you need to report required by 13th of november
    • gifts > 125 € are not anonymous, need to be mentioned in a report
    • stickers are not presents
  • Funky
    • You can get a list of all registered voters in your region! (name, address, social security number), watch out for people asking
  • operations: talking part yes or now, which way: decided by each crew individually
  • Lionel: offers couch surfing in Namur area. To do stuff teambuilding. For everyone! +/- 12 places.


Vote on the board members

Voting Results

  • Co-president flanders: Jonas 20/26
  • Co-president bxl: Marouan 22/26
  • Co-president wallonie: Paul 25/26
  • Secretary: Line 21/26
  • Treasurer: Nofel 15/26
  • Handover should be organised in the next week;
  • Applause and thanks for the people that put so much work in the party the last three years: Jurgen and Monika!!!

Structure proposals

The F****g Manual

  • By Marouan

Structure Proposal

  • By Koen

Voting on statutes

  • The F****g Manual becomes the new statutes: voted no
  • Structure Proposal becomes the new statutes: voted no
  • Do we organize making new statutes in the near future: voted yes

Drinks & End