EGA:2014/08 Uccle-Ukkel/Resquad: Difference between revisions

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== Draft ==
== Draft ==
''Add stuff freely, but discuss any change on the [[Talk:Resquad project|Talk page]].''
''Add stuff freely, but discuss any change on the [[Talk:Resquad project|Talk page]].''
The idea is to split the current squads into different entities :
* Projects : formerly known as project squads. They are temporary, less constraints are imposed.
* Resource centres : formerly known as thematic squads. They are now inherently passive.
* Squads : those are the crucial units we need to make the party function as a whole. A control procedure is introduced.

=== Structure ===
=== Structure ===
The following constitute the party's subdivisions :
==== Crews ====
* crews
See current statutes.
* projects
* squads
* resource centres

==== Projects ====
* Every pirate can start a project.
* Every pirate starting a project has to contact the coreteam with the following information : a description of the project and a contact person.
* The coreteam formally records the project but has no power to reject it. It may however voice concerns.
* Any project that hasn't been declared to the coreteam is de facto not endorsed by the party.

The following constitute the party's squads :
==== Resource centres ====
* finance
* IT
* GA
* wiki
* press
* international
* secretary
* coreteam
* transparency council

=== Transparency council ===
==== Squads ====
* There are exactly 8 squads in the party. Those are :
* The transparency council (TC) ensures that every squad satisfies the transparency requirements.
** Coreteam
* Only members of the TC not involved in a given squad can evaluate that squad.
** Finance
* Any pirate can seize the TC if he feels a squad lacks transparency.
** GA
** IT
** Press
** Secretary
** Transparency Council (TC)
** Wiki
The roles of each squad is described in following sections.

=== Squads ===
*There are two ways for a pirate to become member of a squad :
*There are two ways for a pirate to become member of a squad :
*# Get approved by a motion of confidence at a GA.
*# Get approved by a motion of confidence at a GA.
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*# Resign.
*# Resign.
*# Fail a motion of confidence at a GA.
*# Fail a motion of confidence at a GA.
===== Coreteam =====
* The coreteam is a coordinating body.
* The coreteam has the following exclusive competencies :
** Manage incoming email from the contact adress By "manage" is meant : forwarding to the right person to answer.
** Nominate international delegates.
** Maintaining a public list of crews, including a contact person.
** Maintaining a public list of ongoing projects, including a contact person.
** Convoke any pirate, squad, crew or project representative to ask for information on their activities.
* The coreteam serves as an oracle for pirates. By this is meant that every pirate having a particular need or question can contact the coreteam. The coreteam is then expected to put him/her in touch with the right pirate to help him/her.
* The coreteam shares actively and regularly its knowledge of the party's internal businesses to pirates.
==== Finance ====
* The members and only the members of the finance squad have access to the bank accounts of the party.
==== GA ====
* The GA squads organizes general assemblies.
==== IT ====
* The members and only the members of the IT squad have access to the servers of the party. Only members of the wiki squad have a limited access to them, as described in the corresponding section.
==== Press ====
==== Secretary ====
* The members and only the members of the secretary squad have access to the database of members of the party.
===== Transparency council =====
* The transparency council (TC) ensures that every squad satisfies the transparency requirements.
* Only members of the TC not involved in a given squad can evaluate that squad.
* Any pirate can seize the TC if he feels a squad lacks transparency.
==== Wiki ====
* The wiki squad maintains the wiki.
* The members and only the members of the Wiki squad have administrator rights on the wiki.
* The members of the wiki squad have also access to the wiki installation through a special SSH access.

=== Procedures ===
=== Procedures ===
* A motion confidence requires 60% of the expressed votes to pass.
* A motion of confidence requires 60% of the expressed votes to pass.
* It takes 3 pirates to call a motion of confidence.
* It takes 3 pirates to call a motion of confidence.
* Before a vote is taken, the reasons for the motion have to be clearly exposed.
* Before a vote is taken, the reasons for the motion have to be clearly exposed.

Revision as of 22:54, 15 June 2014

Goal : Produce an amendment to chapter II.2. of the statutes governing squads in order to clarify their purpose and their functioning.

What squads are

  • 43. Les Squads sont les groupes de travail du parti.
  • 44. Les Squads ne sont pas liées à une ville ou région.
  • 45. Les squads sont de 2 types : par thème et par projet (limitée dans le temps).
  • 46. Les squads de projet se composent d’au moins 3 pirates.
  • 47. Les squads thématiques se composent d’au moins 3 pirates issus d’au moins deux équipages différents.
  • 48. Un Pirate peut faire partie d’autant de Squads qu’il le souhaite.
  • 49. Les seules conditions pour rejoindre une Squad sont l’intention et la capacité de participer.
  • 50. Les postes spécifiques d’une Squad sont un Responsable de projet dans une Squad de projet, pas de postes spécifiques pour les Squads thématiques.
  • 51. La Squad est le groupe de travail d’oùprovient les impulsions, les positions et les actions du Parti.
  • 52. Les Squads formalisent les impulsions, initiatives et idées fournies par les Pirates.
  • 53. Un projet est défini par un échéancier (début/ fin), un produit final et un Responsable.
  • 54. Le Responsable du projet est responsable du respect des délais et de l’adéquation avec le Projet Pirate.
  • 55. Le Responsable de Projet entre en relation avec les instances concernées pour faire connaître l’initiative, vérifier son originalité (pas de doublons) et rassembler des ressources humaines.
  • 56. Pour valider le travail d’une Squad, les critères suivants doivent être rencontrés :
    • a) le référencement (tout élément de proposition et/ou d’argumentation doit être appuyé d’une documentation) et la transparence (ladite documentation doit être accessible à tous);
    • b) le travail doit être adopté par l’Assemblée Générale ou par une instance désignée par l’Assemblée générale ;
    • c) la production passera par des outils de travail collaboratif (wiki, lqfb, jegouverne, forums, pad, irc, mumble,...);
    • d) la Squad tient à jour une page wiki (infos, PV, ...) et diffuse ses infos (mailing list, ...);
    • e) la Squad doit présenter un rapport de son activité au moins une fois par an ;
    • f) la Squad a pris contact avec la Coreteam.

What squads should be

  • Les squads doivent permettre de remplir les missions que les pirates se sont assignées lors des assemblées générales => Squad obligatoire
    • La coreteam a la responsabilité de trouver des gens pour ces travaux qui doivent répondre à un cahier de charge (collaboratif, transparence, vie privée,...)
  • Les squads doivent permettre aux membres de prendre connaissance des travaux des autres pirates => Squad émergent
    • Le travail peut être commencé de manière informelle puis transformé en squad de projet. Des projets récurrents ou semblables peuvent devenir des composants d'un squad thématique.
    • La coreteam a la responsabilité d'aider les groupes de travail à évoluer vers un squad formalisé (templates wiki, encadrement,...)


Add stuff freely, but discuss any change on the Talk page.

The idea is to split the current squads into different entities :

  • Projects : formerly known as project squads. They are temporary, less constraints are imposed.
  • Resource centres : formerly known as thematic squads. They are now inherently passive.
  • Squads : those are the crucial units we need to make the party function as a whole. A control procedure is introduced.



See current statutes.


  • Every pirate can start a project.
  • Every pirate starting a project has to contact the coreteam with the following information : a description of the project and a contact person.
  • The coreteam formally records the project but has no power to reject it. It may however voice concerns.
  • Any project that hasn't been declared to the coreteam is de facto not endorsed by the party.

Resource centres


  • There are exactly 8 squads in the party. Those are :
    • Coreteam
    • Finance
    • GA
    • IT
    • Press
    • Secretary
    • Transparency Council (TC)
    • Wiki

The roles of each squad is described in following sections.

  • There are two ways for a pirate to become member of a squad :
    1. Get approved by a motion of confidence at a GA.
    2. Get unanimously approved by the current members of the squad. In this case, this decision has to be actively announced to all pirates.
  • There are two ways for a member of a squad to get out :
    1. Resign.
    2. Fail a motion of confidence at a GA.
  • The coreteam is a coordinating body.
  • The coreteam has the following exclusive competencies :
    • Manage incoming email from the contact adress By "manage" is meant : forwarding to the right person to answer.
    • Nominate international delegates.
    • Maintaining a public list of crews, including a contact person.
    • Maintaining a public list of ongoing projects, including a contact person.
    • Convoke any pirate, squad, crew or project representative to ask for information on their activities.
  • The coreteam serves as an oracle for pirates. By this is meant that every pirate having a particular need or question can contact the coreteam. The coreteam is then expected to put him/her in touch with the right pirate to help him/her.
  • The coreteam shares actively and regularly its knowledge of the party's internal businesses to pirates.


  • The members and only the members of the finance squad have access to the bank accounts of the party.


  • The GA squads organizes general assemblies.


  • The members and only the members of the IT squad have access to the servers of the party. Only members of the wiki squad have a limited access to them, as described in the corresponding section.



  • The members and only the members of the secretary squad have access to the database of members of the party.
Transparency council
  • The transparency council (TC) ensures that every squad satisfies the transparency requirements.
  • Only members of the TC not involved in a given squad can evaluate that squad.
  • Any pirate can seize the TC if he feels a squad lacks transparency.


  • The wiki squad maintains the wiki.
  • The members and only the members of the Wiki squad have administrator rights on the wiki.
  • The members of the wiki squad have also access to the wiki installation through a special SSH access.


  • A motion of confidence requires 60% of the expressed votes to pass.
  • It takes 3 pirates to call a motion of confidence.
  • Before a vote is taken, the reasons for the motion have to be clearly exposed.