Args Labs

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Debate: the content

  • What should be included in this project?

--Vincent L. (talk) 23:00, 19 October 2013 (CEST): Pirate F.A.Q ; Debates about political topics ; Debates about pirates

Debate: The name

  • Args labs? Pirate Party Politics?

--Vincent L. (talk) 22:55, 19 October 2013 (CEST): Args labs sounds good to me, and accurately describes the goal of this project.

Debate: the language

  • Do we have to do everything in english?

--Vincent L. (talk) 22:55, 19 October 2013 (CEST): I don't think so, it's easier for me to debate in my mother tongue.

Debate: the support

  • What would be the form of our debates?

--Vincent L. (talk) 22:55, 19 October 2013 (CEST): I think we should debate both on wiki and in live, an event in November in Namur on the theme "Qu'est-ce qu'une démocratie participative, quels sont les enjeux et les moyens pour y parvenir?" is likely to be organized.



Wiki(many to many)
  • url:
Pro Con
  • Centralized
  • Transparent
  • copiable
  • Creative Commons
  • Pirate-hosted
Email (one to one)
  • url:
Pro Con
  • No transparency, impossible to re-use somebody else's argument if we haven't received the email.
  • Unclear communication, if everything is on the wiki it's easy to make sure we won't miss something.
Discussion list (many to many)
  • url:
Pro Con
  • No transparency, impossible to re-use somebody else's argument if we haven't received the email.
  • Unclear communication, if everything is on the wiki it's easy to make sure we won't miss something.
Forum (one to many)
  • url:
Pro Con
  • url:
Pro Con


  • url:
Pro Con
  • url:
Pro Con
  • url:
Pro Con
  • url:
Pro Con